warm feeling

475 19 15

Curling his fist in fury, he let out a huff from anger. Warm steam came out from his nose, a hint of oil and rust lingering from the smoke. His code was in overdrive- the fans inside his metal and porcelain skin began to kick in.

Those damned humans were touching him again, especially the little, spoiled gremlins. If he could, he would punt them across the room- but he wasn't the immoral type of person. No, no, he may be a robot, but conscience exists in his cold, metal heart.

But if the constant tampering keeps up, he needs to let out his rage.

A deep growl came out of his throat, leaning on the black wall filled with vibrant neon lights. His sharp claws dug in his palm tightly- denting his claw and possibly creating a puncture on his hand.

His chest heaved from anger, his hunched figure rising and falling. He was shaking, he was- fuck.

He needs to get in his room.

Somewhere private.

His eyes snapped at the sudden sound of a whirring wheel- his orange orbs with a faint red ring shrinking from irritation. Whipping his head from where the sound came from, an innocent patrol bot was roaming around with a flashlight in hand- doing its nightly patrol.

He bares his teeth- like a cautious predator when encountering an enemy. If he was a true animal, foam would be overflowing in his mouth.

Unclenching his fist, his body slowly twists itself to confront the robot. His stance was wide- hands wide open with claws ready to scratch. He bends his knees, lowering his arm as he readies himself to pounce on the unlucky patrol bot.

With a final smirk, he strikes his target.

His teeth perforate its head- the teeth sinking in its hollow head. Black, sticky liquid dripped down his jaws, eyes still wide open like a rabid animal. And in a blink, he shut his jaw harshly and rips it away from its form.

Warm oil splattered everywhere, the sound of heaving steam from his nose was too loud. He was still in overdrive, he needs to calm down.

His sharp nails began to dig its body- both of his claws penetrating through its chest and tearing it apart.

He really needs to stop, but he has gone too far now. There was no going back.

Spitting the deformed head from his mouth, he opens his jaw once again and bit its arm- in an attempt to rip it away, he tugs it harshly. But it was still connected to its torso, now that made him angry.

Wires and sparks were flying everywhere. He ignored the feeling of something touching his legs. He was too focused to rip the arm away as he mauls it furiously.

Now the touch became a hug, and this bothered him deeply. Taking a glimpse below him, a small figure came from his line of sight. An uncomfortable look smeared across the figure's face.

Wait, a child?

His mind froze, but his chest still shaking from anger. His mouth still latched on the robot's arms. The figure seems unbothered from the sight, but it was more focused on him- the dull-looking eyes staring at his soul.

Oh no, a child. He doesn't like children.

His jaw suddenly snapped open, the sound of metal clanking on the hard tile echoed the hallway. He was ready to pounce on the kid. Slowly removing his weight from the floor as he removes his fingers from its chest.

If he isn't mistaken, it was past midnight. What is a little, lonely, frail child doing here?

The hug tightens, a frown forming on your face as you glared at the alligator. He noticed your change of expression.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2022 ⏰

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