Chapter 5

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After being taken to the palace Y/n was in the throne room with Boa Hancock's sister

While Boa Hancock remain behind the curtain

Sonia: Just you know I'm grateful  for what you did. Thank you

Y/n: Anytime.

Marigold: if anyone saw her back it would be the ends of us. We would have been cast out never return.

Boa: You may enter

Y/n stand up and walk to the curtain and saw her took off her top

Y/n stand up and walk to the curtain and saw her took off her top

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(Imagine luffy is you)

Boa: Look...

He saw her shaving and scared. Y/n was worried for her and knew what she and her sisters go through


As he stared at it

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As he stared at it

Y/n: I knew it. Your just like me

Boa Hancock and her sisters were surprised he knew what it is.

He to off his shirt and show them

Y/n: This the mark of Element Dragons Fruit

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Y/n: This the mark of Element Dragons Fruit.

Then with his strength and power he changes it to the Celestial Dragon claw

The girls were shocked.

Y/n: I suffered the same fate as you did

Then Granny enters

(Pretend luffy is you, The notorious pirate Y/n the Element Dragon Emperor, and the newspaper say about his action with the Celestial Dragons by attacking and freeing the people who are enslaved)

Then Boa Hancock tells Y/n about Fisher Tiger.

Then Boa Hancock tells Y/n about Fisher Tiger

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Boa: Haha. I think I like you

Y/n: Thank you

Boa: You are a good person. I'll take to the next island

Y/n: Really?

Boa: We aren't enemies any more.

Y/n: You are good person and beautiful at the same time.

He smiled which caused her to blush.

Then his stomach growl

Y/n: Sorry.

Boa: Sonia, Maria make arrangements for Y/n. He'll be celebrating with us as a special guest at the banquet tonight

Sonia and Maria: Yes

Later on, he was eating delicious found with the girls at the banquet

Y/n: This is delicious

As he eats, Y/n doesn't know that the girls were planning to strike him down

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As he eats, Y/n doesn't know that the girls were planning to strike him down

Y/n: Oh that's was delicious.

Then he start to sing one of his favorite song that Brooks told him

As he sings the girls drop their swords and started sing along

After enjoying the banquet. Margaret let Y/n to stay at her place.

Later, they arrived was greeted by Granny who was reading the newspaper.

Then Granny told Y/n about Boa Hancock and her bounty of 80 million berry.

Y/n: Hey Granny?

Granny: Neow?

Y/n: Can I visit Boa Hancock I want to say thank you.

Granny: Well of course

Then they walk together to the palace

As they were about to enter a girl approach them

As they were about to enter a girl approach them

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Enishida: Granny Neow it's terrible!

Granny: Enishida, what's all the fuss about?

Enishida: Thank goodness I found you . When I heard came fast and quickly I could. But... the Snake Princess... she came down with a sickness and no knows what it is.

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