Chapter Eight

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"Oh my God! Sands! I'm not yet ready. I feel like I'm going to faint. I feel nauseous." I told Sandro, we're on his room here in the Palace and the party event is going to start for a few minutes.

I am wearing a color golden Filipiñana and my hair is on low messy bun with the gold hairdress from Mama Meldy and a gold thin necklace with a gold bracelets. I also have my small golden color mini handbag and Mama Meldy gave me her Black Pamaypay.

"You are always in a crowd like this for almost 5 years. You can do it. I'm here. I won't leave you. You'll always have my back. And I won't let go of your hands. Hmkay?" he said and held my hands.

Oo nga, sanay nga ako sa ganitong events pero, the people who's attending this party is not just a people, not just a freaking human. But a people who has a power. Not literally a power. Like the people who are invited are so high.

I did my breathing exercise and went out with Sandro, I put my hand on his arm and walk modestly in a stairs.

Everyone is downstairs and there are a lot of powerful people here. Some Mayors, Senators, Spokespersons, National Ambassadors, some celebrities and influencers.

"Sandro! Hey! Good evening!" someone greeted Sandro and omg! It's Mayor Baste of Davao. I was starstruck because I didn't seen him in person and this is my first time. His aura is so manly and brave and also powerful. Gosh!

"Good evening, Mayor! Thank you for going to our Christmas Party event." Sandro also greeted him and they fistbomb, Sandro really is doing what he told me a while ago na he wont let go of my hands.

"Oh, who is this fine young lady with you?" Mayor Baste looked at me smiling so I smiled back and slightly bow my head as a greeting.

"Oh wait! She seems so familiar." Mayor Baste said and stared at me from head to toe and put his pointy finger on his forehead like he's remembering something.

"Yes! I know you. You're a popular model right? Hollywood model that was linked on him?" he asked me if he's right and pointed Sandro so I chuckled and nodded.

"Hi Mayor Duterte. I'm glad to meet you." I greeted him and slight bow my head once again.

"It's nice meeting you too. You really are so popular this day huh? Especially when Sandro and you was linked. I've seen a lot of fanclubs of the both of you. Loveteam ba." Sandro and I both laughed because of the term 'loveteam'

"Sinarado mo na ba ang pila, Chantall? Chantall right?" Mayor Baste asked me and slightly hit Sandro's arm.

"Yes Mayor. Chantall Davis."

"Mayor Baste, I already closed it. I'm courting her." Sandro answered the question and I stared at him. Tf! Sandro! I'm not yet ready pa. Woi!

"Wow! Nice! I'm happy for the both of you. You better invite me on your wedding, okay?" Mayor Baste said to us.

"Sure, you really are invited.. Soon." Sandro said and the three of us laughed.

Mayor Baste bid a goodbye because his phone rang and he'll gonna answer his call so me and Sandro are just walking around in this place, talking to some politicians, some visitors and everyone he's talking, knows me.

"Sands, I want to sit. My feet hurts." I told Sandro because my feet really hurts because I am wearing a heels. Gusto ko na maupo. Please lang. Kanina pa kasi kami nagiikot, talking to people. Having minimal chitchats and go, talk to people and have minimal chitchats also and go and the cycle will repeat.

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