Moving Forward

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"Marone a mi," he uttered again as he laid eyes on Angela standing in the middle of the room, dressed in a short black-lace nightie with a long black wrap draping the length of her perfectly toned legs, finishing with a pair of stiletto heels, giving her a slight height advantage over him .

"Would you like to come in," her voice seductive and low?

"I, uh, uh," he gulped, "Wow!" He couldn't move, his eyes locked on her.

Giggling slightly, "Why don't you come in and close the door?" Shortening the distance between them, she walked towards him.

Absorbing the atmosphere around them; the candles, the low music, the bed turned down, the beautiful image of Angela before him, his heart began to race rapidly, his palms sweating.

Taking a few more steps towards him, she stood mere inches from him, their chests nearly touching, their eyes locked, "I really think you should come in," she brushed her lips against his, taking his hand, leading him away from the door frame.

Unable to find any coherent words, transfixed on the sight before him, he grunted, "Uh ya, ok."

"Why don't we get you a little more comfortable," she breathe as she slid her hands under his jacket, gliding them along his chest, over his shoulders and down his arms as the jacket began to slip off him, "There, that's better!" She smiled seductively, her body pressing up against his.

Trying to gain his senses and find his words, he cleared his throat, "Um, Angela," he took inhaled deeply, "Are you, uh, are you sure about this?" His voice cracked.

Sliding her hand between them, she grabbed ahold of his tie, pulling him closer into her, she buried her lips onto his neck, "uh huh," she affirmed.

Unable to think straight, his growing arousal becoming more uncomfortable by the minute at her proximity to his lower extremities, he swallowed hard, "I, uh, I just don't want you to feel pressured or think that-"

"Tony," she interjected, "I've never been more sure of anything in my life," she brushed her lips along his cheek, "I want you Tony.... I want to feel your arms around me Tony, I want you to hold me and feel your hands on me, I want to hear your heartbeat, Tony." She crashed her lips upon his.

Engulfing her in his arms, he opened his mouth, welcoming her tongue, as he trailed his hands up and down her back, cupping her rear, pulling her closer into him, enlightening her to his current state of arousal.

Standing in the middle of her room, their arms wrapped around each other, their lips joined, unwilling to part from their shared lifeline, Tony slowly began to sway them to the low playing music, interwinding his fingers in hers as he brought her arm down from around his neck, "Dance with me," he finally broke their lips free and whispered in her ear.

Her body effortlessly began to sway rhythmically with his as if they were one.

As one song ended and the other began, the sound of the lyrics caused Angela's heart to skip a beat,

"Close your eyes, make a wish
And blow out the candlelight
For tonight is just your night
We're gonna celebrate,
All through the night...."

Nuzzling Tony's neck, she trailed her lips along it, landing at his ear, she whispered "Make love to me, Tony!"

Pulling his face back, away from hers, he gazed into her eyes, searching for any sign of uncertainty or hesitation. Transfixed by the reflective glow of the candles in her eyes, his heart pounding against her chest, he let the music speak his words as he crashed his lips upon hers leading her backwards towards the bed.

"I'll make love to you
Like you want me to
And I'll hold you tight
Baby all through the night
I'll make love to you
When you want me to
And I will not let go
Till you tell me to....."

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