1D imagines!!

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You were staring at the clock as the long school day was finally coming to an end. All you wanted to do was go home and get ready for the One Direction concert you were going to tomorrow. You and your friend got tickets and backstage passes. It would be your first one and it was all you could think about.

When the last bell finally rang out you went straight to your locker and packed up to go home. On the bus you sit next to your best friend. "Hey (Y/F/N)!!! Can't wait for tomorrow" you said. You were so happy that she was coming with you. "I know right! Oh I have all my stuff ready for your house too!" She said. She was going to sleep over your house tonight too.

When you got to your house you both had a snack then went upstairs to pick out clothes. You picked out a crop top shirt that said 1D on it and some cute jean shorts. You laid them out on your dresser.

That night you and your friend talked about one direction. "Y/N, who is your favorite again?" Y/F/N asked. You always said you didn't really have a favorite but lately you have started to really like Niall. "I like Niall. And what about-" "ZAYN!" she cut you off before you even finished. "Oh yeah, how could I forget?" You said.

Then you finally got some sleep.

The next morning was a rush. You woke up Y/F/N and changed into the clothes you picked out the night before. Then you both did each others make up and hair. Then, finally after waiting for what seemed like forever, you were off tithe concert.

When you arrived there, you were surprised to see how many people were already there. You found your seats in the 6th row and got settled. You just talked to your friend until you heard music playing and looked to stage.

You saw the 5 boys walking on to stage. Your friend screamed when Zayn walked on. You saw Niall and got excited but you weren't the screaming type. They started off with LWWY and you sang along. They ended with little things and you were sad it was over but were excited to go backstage.

As soon as the boys walked off the stage your friend pulled you out of your seat to walk backstage. You were nervous. You were actually gonna meet one direction! When you got there was only like 8 other girls. The boys came up and have everyone hugs. You could hear your friend squeal as Zayn hugged her.

You got a hug from Harry, Zayn, Louis, Liam, and the finally Niall. You locked eyes with his as you both broke from the hug. "What's your name, beautiful?" Niall asked you. You blushed as you told him your name. "I was right, it's a beautiful name" Niall said. "Thanks" you barely got the words out through your smile.

The boys gave you a tour around backstage and you were talking with Niall and joking around. By the end of the backstage tour you felt like you knew him forever, and he felt the same way.

"Y/N?" Niall asked as you were about to leave. You turned around to face him, man was he gorgeous. "Yeah?" "Would you wanna go out sometime?" He asked as if he was worried you would say no. But how could anyone say no to Niall Horan? When it hit you that he was totally serious and he actually liked you, you smiled like you've never smiled before. "Yes! I'll give you my number!" You were so excited and happy.

You exchanged numbers and said bye before you started to walk back to your friend. But he stopped you for a quick kiss on the cheek as you blushed. He said "I had to do that." before saying bye again.

You walked up to your friend with a huge smile across your face. OMG! You were gonna go out with Niall Horan!

The next night he took you out to a fancy diner. You had so much fun with him. He told you that he really liked you and asked you to be his official girlfriend. Of course you said yes. It was the beginning of a beautiful relationship with Niall.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2013 ⏰

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