1. Good Old Days

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Fez- Yo hide this shit! Quick! Cops on they way!

Said fez as he put drugs in a duffel bag.

Y/n- i can't just leave you here fez
Fez: don't worry I got this! Take the bag and fucking run out the back door!

He said pointing at the door.

Fez- remember no traces!
Y/n- Yea! Call me when everything is ok!

I leave through the back doors, hearing a faint "yea I will, be safe out there". I ran and ran, with a duffel bag that carried almost what felt like 30 pounds I got pretty far.

I made it home and snook into my  room through the window.

(You have ur own room)

I quickly hide the duffel bag under my bed. Underneath my bed has boards, I un screwed one of the boards and shoved the bag in it.

I placed the board back and sat on the edge of my bed exhausted.

I heard a bunch of rucus, shortly after I hear footsteps. Lexi bursts open my door and closed it letting out a "UGHHHH".

When she sees me she gets surprised.

Lexi-  When the hell did u get here?!
Y/n- uhhh...
Lexi- I don't care , can I stay with you for tonight I can't fucking stand Cassie anymore!!
Cassie- I can't stand me either!
Y/n- how'd she go from a narcissist to a "I hate myself" type of person?
Lexi- I don't even know

*End of flashback*

It's been around a week, I got a text from fez saying "yo everything is fine now. U still got the duffel bag??"

I replied with "yea I still have it, I'll be over at ur place in a lil" he left me on seen. I moved the board and revealed the duffel bag. Cassie, Lexi and mom should be at some house party so I'll just go through the front door.

I sneak to the front door and i hear a soft voice say "what the hell is in the duffel bag?" I turned around and it was Lexi.

Lexi- what's in there y/n?
Y/n- ...
Lexi- is it drugs?..
Y/n- maybe.
Lexi- don't tell me you do drugs y/n
Y/n- I'm not that fucking crazy to do drugs Lexi
Lexi- ok good, then why do you have it?
Y/n- so you know rue's drug dealer?
Lexi- I think.. fez?
Y/n- yea uh, I kinda work with him
Lexi- you're dealing with him?!
Y/n- no! I work with him as in Im his 'manager'. Cops almost caught him so he told me to come hide it..
Lexi- oh god... I'm not telling anyone obviously but like what the hell.
Y/n-uhm I gotta go give this back now so..
Lexi- I never saw you

I quickly run out the door completely mad at myself. I shouldn't have fucking told Lexi. But she won't tell right? I don't know.

I get to fezco's house and I knock on the door. I hear a younger voice that I don't recognize. I hear them say "I'm comin I'm comin"

This kid around my age opens the door. He has like some buzz cut, and a wonky eyebrow slit.

??-who the fuck is you?
Y/n- I'm y/n I know fez
??-ok so what the fuck you want?
Y/n- look I just came to give him this so chill the fuck out

I say and place the duffel bag on the floor

??- yo wtf is this all?..
Y/n- yea, let him know I gave you this. And tell him I'm going on a break for a while.
??-yea I will what's yo name again?
Y/n- y/n

I turn to walk away and I hear the kid say;
"Yo fez some girl called y/n-"
and a door slam after that.

Who the hell is that? Is he also working for fez? I guess he replaced me... How did I not know, clueless me I guess.

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