Meiko Iragashi's Birthday Bash!

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>SUBJECT: birthday thingy




Is this thing on?



Happy birthday to me! is...the 17th of October 2032. That makes me 18! Woop, woop!

And it also means I've been here for far too long. I heard through the grapevine that the Group is still going even after what happened at Tarazed. Y'know, with the raid. I wonder what they're up to now.

They had Project Butterfly, but I doubt any of those pussies were brave enough to go through with it.

We could have done it. Me, you, and Chikako. We were supposed to rule the world, right?

Haha, that lasted long.

I'm still pissed at Konishi for pulling that bullshit on me. Thanks to her, my fucking sentence got extended. Now I'll be out in...uh...hold on, let me count...

Sigh...34 years. Maximum. Maybe I'll be let out early on good behaviour, but I doubt it.

But yeah. Still not over the Tarazed thing. Apparently a few of them got out, although I'm not quite sure exactly who.

I know Konishi got out. You always liked her, didn't you? You tried to sort of...emulate her personality. During Despair Avenue, I mean.

Who else...the American. She got out, I think. So did that creepy guy. You know, the tall one who never spoke?

Honestly, I can't even remember anyone else. I was so young. I think I was only thirteen when we met Chikako, right? We joined Fuyuko's youth group thing on my fourteenth birthday, I think.

Jesus, that's fucked. How old was I when Koharu died, then...? Twelve?

Danganronpa 52: Danger Zone! Haha!


That means it's twelve years since we met, right? I was six, and Koharu was forced to drag me to her friend's house.

Haha...I still remember how quickly we became friends. Mostly cause you acted more like a six year old girl than I did, despite being, like, ten. Haha!

God, I remember how upset I was when that boy kicked me at the park. You really showed him, didn't you?

Why did you get so protective of me? You seemed to spend so much energy protecting me from pain, even when it hurt you. When Koharu died, you were the one who comforted me while my parents acted like it was a great honor.

I mean, I know that's just how the world was, but still.

Um...anyways...I'm eating cake! Well, I dunno if you'd call it "cake". It's prison cake. Gotta get creative around here.





I miss you. You were there for me...y'know?

Even when Chikako was "there" for me, she was never there for "me". She was only there because my sister had been, y'know, the star of a whole series of DR.

She wanted me to be her. She even gave me the same talent as her. Ultimate surveillance expert, my ass. Well, at least it came in handy a couple times.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2022 ⏰

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