A Touch of Moonlight

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       Moonlight, Blue, Touch

I sighed as I stared at the fading sky which swirled from its clear blue to a tundra of colors. Orange dripped down the pink and purple sky. Until the sun sank below the horizon and the blueness of midnight  I lay on my back admiring the last sunset of summer. Tomorrow I had to pack my bags and go to school. Running around in the wild flower fields would no longer be permitted. Mornings were for stretching, daytime was for endless hours of practice, and evenings were for more stretching. After all, that was the life at the Royal Ballet School. Never allowed to eat something not permitted by our nutristionist, never allowed to sleep less than 8 hours before practice, never to run around risking the chance of getting hurt. Our freedom was taken away. We were given back our freedom in the form of dance. We could dance and dance eperiencing the highs of utter perfection. With every grand jeté and every arabesque we were free. 

        A pale eye watched me as I lay drowning in my thoughts. She wanted to save me. She wanted to set me free. Her moonlit face beckoned me. Her song persuaded my feet to move. I gave in. I pulled out my worn old pointe shoes and slipped them on. They were comfortable and fit to my foot. A quick bourrée before I flew into a brisé jump. I danced, and I twirled, and I jumped. The only eye on me was one of hard coldness. Gray and lifeless. With each elegant movement the murkiness changed. Jeté after jeté, I touched the sky. Her eye became alive and the sky became excited. My graceful somber movements became more erratic, more energetic until she opened her eye and fires of passion arose. With a grand pose I ended, her endearment falling accross my body as pure warmth. 

        Slipping off my pointe shoes I tucked them away into my bag. I smiled at the little field before turning my back and walking away. She watched me as I went and I knew no matter where I was she would be there staring down at me. Sometimes cold and numb, other times sad, or glowing with happiness. In any state, she is beautiful as she is. She is elegance. She is beauty in its most finest form. 

A/N: That was fun I look forward to more of you guys commenting your three words! The chapter will be dedicated to the person who supplied the words

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