Chapter 1

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Monday, February 17

My sister thinks I'm a slacker. She's not coming right out and saying it—or texting it,technically—but it's heavily implied:Did you check out that list of colleges I sent?Winter of your junior year isn't too early to start looking. It's actually kind of late.We could visit some places when I'm home for Ashton's bachelorette party if youwant.You should apply somewhere totally out of your comfort zone, too.What about the University of Hawaii?I look up from the texts flashing across my phone to meet Knox Myers'squestioning gaze. "Bronwyn thinks I should go to college at the University of Hawaii," Ireport, and he almost chokes on his mouthful of empanada. "She does realize that's on an island, right?" he asks, reaching for a glass of ice waterand draining half of it in one gulp. The empanadas at Café Contigo are legendary inBayview but they're a lot to take if you're not used to spicy food. Knox, who moved herefrom Kansas in middle school and still counts mushroom-soup-based casseroles amonghis favourite meals, most definitely is not. "Has she already forgotten that you'revehemently anti-beach?""I'm not anti-beach," I protest. "I'm just not a proponent of sand. Or too much sun.Or undertow. Or sea creatures." Knox's eyebrows climb higher with every sentence."Look, you're the one who made me watch Monsters of the Deep," I remind him. "Myocean phobia is mostly your fault." Knox was my first-ever boyfriend last summer, both ofus too inexperienced to realize we weren't actually attracted to one another. We spentmost of our relationship watching the Science Channel, which should have clued us inquicker that we were better off as friends."You've convinced me," Knox says drily. "This is the school for you. I look forward toreading what will undoubtedly be a heartfelt application essay when it's due." He leansforward and raises his voice for emphasis. "Next year."I sigh, drumming my fingers on the brightly tiled table. Café Contigo is anArgentinean café with deep blue walls and a tin ceiling, the air a fragrant mix of sweet andsavoury scents. It's less than a mile from my house and became my favourite place to dohomework once Bronwyn left for Yale and my room was suddenly much too quiet. I likethe friendly bustle of the café and the fact that nobody minds if I spend three hours hereand only order coffee. "Bronwyn thinks I'm behind schedule," I tell Knox."Yeah, well, Bronwyn practically had her Yale application ready in preschool, didn't she?" he says. "We have plenty of time." Knox is like me—a seventeen-year-old junior atBayview High, older than most of our classmates. In his case, it's because he was smallfor his age in kindergarten and his parents held him back. In mine, it's because I was inand out of hospitals with leukaemia for half my childhood."I guess." I reach over to grab Knox's empty plate and stack it on top of mine butknock over the saltshaker instead, sending white crystals scattering across the table.Almost without thinking, I take a pinch between two fingers and throw it over myshoulder. Warding off bad luck, like Ita taught me. My grandmother has dozens ofsuperstitions: some Colombian, and some she's picked up after living in the United Statesfor thirty years. I used to follow them all when I was little, especially when I was sick. If Iwear the beaded bracelet Ita gave me, this test won't hurt. If I avoid all the cracks in thefloor, my white cell count will be normal. If I eat twelve grapes at midnight on NewYear's Eve, I won't die this year."Anyway, it's not the end of the world if you don't go to college right away," Knoxsays. He slouches in his chair, pushing a shock of brown hair off his forehead. Knox is solean and angular that even after stuffing himself with all of his empanadas and half ofmine, he still looks hungry. Every time he's at our house, one or both of my parents try tofeed him. "Lots of people don't." His glance flicks around the restaurant before landing onAddy Prentiss pushing through the kitchen doors with a tray balanced in one hand.I watch Addy wind her way through Café Contigo, dropping off plates of food withpracticed ease. Over Thanksgiving, when the true crime show Mikhail PowersInvestigates aired its special report "The Bayview Four: Where Are They Now," Addyagreed to be interviewed for the first time ever. Probably because she could tell that theproducers were gearing up to present her as the slacker of the group—my sister made it toYale, Cooper had a splashy scholarship to Cal State Fullerton, even Nate was taking a fewcommunity college classes—and she wasn't having it. No "Bayview's Former BeautyQueen Peaks in High School" headline for Adelaide Prentiss."If you know what you want to do when you graduate, great," she'd said, perched ona stool in Café Contigo with the day's specials written in brightly coloured chalk on theblackboard behind her. "If you don't, why pay a fortune for a degree you might never use?There's nothing wrong with not having your entire life mapped out when you'reeighteen."Or seventeen. I eye my phone warily, waiting for another barrage of Bronwyn texts.I love my sister, but her perfectionism is a hard act to follow.The evening crowd is starting to arrive, filling the last of the tables as someoneturns all the wall-mounted big-screen televisions to Cal State Fullerton's baseball seasonopener. Addy pauses when her tray is almost empty and scans the room, smiling whenshe catches my eye. She makes her way to our corner table and places a small plate ofalfajores between Knox and me. The dulce de leche sandwich cookies are a Café Contigospecialty, and they're the only thing Addy has learned to make during her nine monthsworking here.Knox and I both reach for them at the same time. "You guys want anything else?" Addy asks, tucking a lock of silvery pink hair behind her ear. She's tried a few differentcolours over the past year, but nothing that isn't pink or purple lasts for very long. "Youshould get your order in now if you do. Everyone's taking a break once Cooper startspitching in"—she glances at the clock on the wall—"five minutes or so."I shake my head as Knox stands, brushing crumbs from the front of his favourite greysweatshirt. "I'm good, but I have to hit the restroom," he says. "Can you save my seat,Maeve?""You got it," I say, sliding my bag onto his chair.Addy half turns, then almost drops her tray. "Oh my God! There he is!"Every screen in the restaurant fills with the same image: Cooper Clay walking to themound to warm up for his first college baseball game. I just saw Cooper over Christmas,not even two months ago, but he looks bigger than I remember. As square-jawed andhandsome as ever, but with a steely glint in his eyes that I've never seen before. Thenagain, until right this second, I've always watched Cooper pitch from a distance.I can't hear the announcers over the chatter in the café, but I can guess what they'resaying: Cooper's debut is the talk of college baseball right now, big enough that a localcable sports show is covering the whole game. Part of the buzz is due to lingering BayviewFour notoriety, and the fact that he's one of the few openly gay players in baseball, but it'salso because he's been tearing up spring training. Sports analysts are taking bets onwhether he'll jump to the majors before he's finished a single college season."Our superstar is finally going to meet his destiny," Addy says fondly as Cooperadjusts his cap on screen. "I need to do one last check on my tables, then I'll join youguys." She starts moving through the restaurant with her tray tucked under her arm andher order pad in hand, but the attention of the room has already shifted from food tobaseball.My eyes linger on the television, even though the scene has switched from Cooperto an interview with the other team's coach. If Cooper wins, this year will turn out fine. Itry to push the thought out of my head as soon as it pops in, because I won't be able toenjoy the game if I turn it into yet another bet against fate.A chair scrapes noisily beside me, and a familiar black leather jacket brushes againstmy arm. "What's up, Maeve?" Nate Macauley asks, settling into his chair. His eyes roveacross the sodium-spattered tabletop. "Uh-oh. Salt massacre. We're doomed, aren't we?""Ha and ha," I say, but my lips twitch. Nate's become like a brother to me since heand Bronwyn started dating almost a year ago, so I suppose teasing comes with theterritory. Even now, when they're "on a break" for the third time since Bronwyn left forcollege. After spending last summer angsting over whether a three-thousand-mile long-distance relationship could work, my sister and her boyfriend have settled into a patternof being inseparable, arguing, breaking up, and getting back together that, oddly, seems towork for both of them.Nate just grins, and we lapse into a comfortable silence. It's easy hanging out withhim, and Addy, and the rest of Bronwyn's friends. Our friends, she always says, but it'snot really true. They were hers first, and they wouldn't be mine without her.My phone buzzes as if on cue, and I look down to another text from Bronwyn. Hasthe game started?Soon, I type. Cooper's warming up.I wish it were on ESPN so I could watch!!! Pacific Coast Sports Network does not,sadly, air in New Haven, Connecticut. Or anyplace outside a three-hour radius of SanDiego. And they don't live-stream online, either.I'm recording it for you, I remind her.I know, but it's not the same.Sorry :(I swallow the last of my cookie, watching the gray dots linger on my phone screenfor so long that I'm positive I know what's coming next. Bronwyn is a lightning-fasttexter. She never hesitates unless she's about to say something she thinks she shouldn't,and there's currently only one topic on her self-imposed Do Not Raise list.Sure enough: Is Nate there?My sister may not live one room away from me anymore, but that doesn't mean Ican't still give her a hard time. Who? I text back, then glance at Nate. "Bronwyn says hi," Itell him.His dark-blue eyes flash, but his expression remains impassive. "Hi back."I get it, I guess. No matter how much you care about someone, things change whenthey used to be around all the time and then suddenly, they're not. I feel it too, in adifferent way. But Nate and I don't have the sort of dynamic where we talk about ourfeelings—neither of us has that with anyone, really, except for Bronwyn—so I just make aface at him. "Repression is unhealthy, you know."Before Nate can reply, there's a sudden flurry of activity around us: Knox returns,Addy pulls a chair over to our table, and a plate of tortilla chips covered with shreddedsteak, melted cheese, and chimichurri—Café Contigo's version of nachos—materializes infront of me.I look up in the direction they came from to meet a pair of deep-brown eyes. "Gamesnacks," Luis Santos says, transferring the towel he used to hold the plate from his handto his shoulder. Luis is Cooper's best friend from Bayview High, the catcher to Cooper'spitcher on the baseball team until they both graduated last year. His parents own CaféContigo, and he works here part-time while taking classes at City College. Ever since Imade this corner table my second home, I see more of Luis than I did when we went toschool together.Knox lunges for the nachos like he didn't just polish off two servings of empanadasand a plate of cookies five minutes ago. "Careful, it's hot," Luis warns, lowering himselfinto the chair across from me. I immediately think, Yeah you are, because I have anembarrassing weakness for good-looking jocks that brings out my inner twelve-year-old.You'd think I would have learned after my one-sided crush on a basketball player landedme a humiliating post on Simon Kelleher's About That gossip blog freshman year, but no.I'm not really hungry, but I extract a chip from the bottom of the pile anyway."Thanks, Luis," I say, sucking the salt from one corner.Nate smirks. "What were you saying about repression, Maeve?"My face heats, and I can't think of a better response than to stuff the entire chip intomy mouth and chew aggressively in Nate's general direction. Sometimes I don't knowwhat my sister sees in him.Damn it. My sister. I glance at my phone with a stab of guilt at the string of sad-faceemojis from Bronwyn. Just kidding. Nate looks miserable, I reassure her. He doesn't,because nobody wears the don't give a crap mask as effortlessly as Nate Macauley, butI'm sure he is.Phoebe Lawton, another Café Contigo waitress and a junior in our class, handsaround glasses of water before taking a seat at the far edge of the table just as the firstbatter from the opposing team saunters up to home plate. The camera zooms in onCooper's face as he brings up his glove and narrows his eyes. "Come on, Coop," Luismurmurs, his left hand curling instinctively like it's in a catcher's mitt. "Play ball."— 

Two hours later, the entire café is filled with an excited buzz after Cooper's near-flawlessperformance: eight strikeouts, one walk, one hit, and no runs through seven innings. TheCal State Fullerton Titans are winning by three, but nobody in Bayview cares all thatmuch now that a relief pitcher has taken over for Cooper."I'm so happy for him," Addy beams. "He deserves this so much know."Her smile falters. "After everything."Everything. It's too small a word to cover what happened when Simon Kelleherdecided to stage his own death almost eighteen months ago, and frame my sister, Cooper,Addy, and Nate for his murder. The Mikhail Powers Investigates Thanksgiving specialrehashed it all in excruciating detail, from Simon's plot to trap everyone in detentiontogether to the secrets he arranged to leak on About That to make it seem like the otherfour had reasons for wanting him dead.I watched the special with Bronwyn while she was home on break. It brought meright back to the year before, when the story became a national obsession and news vanscrowded our driveway every day. The entire country learned that Bronwyn stole tests toget an A in chemistry, that Nate sold drugs while on probation for selling drugs, and thatAddy cheated on her boyfriend, Jake—who turned out to be such a controlling trash firethat he agreed to be Simon's accomplice. And Cooper was falsely accused of usingsteroids, then outed before he was ready to come out to his family and friends.All of which was a nightmare, but not nearly as bad as being suspected of murder.The investigation unfolded almost exactly the way Simon planned—except for thepart where Bronwyn, Cooper, Addy, and Nate banded together instead of turning on oneanother. It's hard to imagine what this night would look like if they hadn't. I doubtCooper would've almost pitched a no-hitter in his first college game, or that Bronwynwould have made it to Yale. Nate would probably be in jail. And Addy—I don't like to thinkabout where Addy would be. Mostly because I'm afraid she wouldn't be here at all.I shiver, and Luis catches my eye. He raises his glass with the determined look of aguy who's not about to let his best friend's triumph turn sour. "Yeah, well, here's tokarma. And to Coop, for kicking ass in his first college game.""To Cooper," everyone echoes."We have to plan a road trip to see him!" Addy exclaims. She reaches across thetable and taps Nate's arm as he starts gazing around the room like he's calculating howsoon he can leave. "That includes you. Don't try to get out of it.""The whole baseball team will want to go," Luis says. Nate grimaces in a resignedsort of way, because Addy is a force of nature when she's determined to make himsocialize.Phoebe, who shifted closer to Knox and me as the game wore on and other peopleleft, reaches out to pour herself a glass of water. "Bayview is so different without Simon,but it also...isn't. You know?" she murmurs, so quietly that only Knox and I can hear. "It'snot like people got any nicer once the shock wore off. We just don't have About That tokeep tabs on who's being horrible from one week to the next.""Not from lack of effort," Knox mutters.About That copycats were everywhere for a while after Simon died. Most of themfizzled out within days, although one site, Simon Says, stayed up nearly a month last fallbefore the school got involved and shut it down. But nobody took it seriously, because thesite's creator—one of those quiet kids hardly anyone knows—never posted a single pieceof gossip that everyone hadn't already heard.That was the thing about Simon Kelleher: he knew secrets most people couldn'teven have guessed. He was patient, willing to wait until he could wring the maximumamount of drama and pain from any given situation. And he was good at hiding howmuch he hated everyone at Bayview High; the only place he let it out was on the revengeforum I'd found when I was looking for clues to his death. Reading Simon's posts backthen made me sick to my stomach. It still chills me, sometimes, to think how little any ofus understood what it meant to go up against a mind like Simon's.Everything could have turned out so differently."Hey." Knox nudges me back to the present, and I blink until his face comes intofocus. It's still just the three of us locked into our side conversation; I don't think lastyear's seniors ever let themselves dwell on Simon for too long. "Don't look so serious. Thepast is past, right?""Right," I say, then twist in my seat as a loud groan goes up from the Café Contigocrowd. It takes a minute for me to understand what's going on, and when I do, my heartsinks: Cooper's replacement loaded the bases in the bottom of the ninth inning, gotpulled, and the new pitcher just gave up a grand slam. All of a sudden, Cal State's three run lead has turned into a walk-off, one-run loss. The other team mobs the hitter at homebase, piling on top of him until they collapse in a joyful heap. Cooper, despite pitching likea dream, didn't get his win."Nooooo," Luis moans, burying his head in his hands. He sounds like he's inphysical pain. "That is bullshit."Phoebe winces. "Ooh, tough luck. Not Cooper's fault, though."My eyes find the only person at the table I can always count on for an unfilteredreaction: Nate. He looks from my tense face to the salt still scattered across our table andshakes his head like he knows the superstitious bet I made with myself. I can read thegesture as plainly as if he spoke: It doesn't mean anything, Maeve. It's just a game.I'm sure he's right. But still. I really wish Cooper had won

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2022 ⏰

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