That day

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Mean snickering was the last thing I heard before I was left completely alone in the classroom. Those mean girls had been on my case for an entire month and I couldn't take it anymore. The last weeks were spend hiding out and sucking in tears. Walking with my head held low, I plugged in my earphones and blasted my music, it was the only way I could feel safe these days. I bumped into someone. Looking up, I saw him.

There she was. Two tears streaks on her full pinkish cheeks proved my theory, she had been crying. Apparently a lot. I thought she would walk away or talk to me, but she didn't do any of that. She just looked up at me, her normally dark eyes shaded with pain and hurt. And exhaustion. Neither of us broke the eye-contact. I would have, but I couldn't. The look of need on her face made me unable to remove my glance from hers or talk for that matter.

Once again, I was the coward waiting for the broken girl to make the first move. Her appearance made me want to cry, the curls in her flaming red hair were flat and I could see on her clothes that they had been used as a wiping cloth.

I stood there, slumped forward, waiting. Expectant, hopeful almost. Every other time he had seen me crying he would leave, awkwardly looking at his laughing friends. Never had he showed an ounce of care for me, but I felt something burning to be let out behind his jade eyes. Or at least I thought I did. And that's the only reason why I didn't leave. I wanted to be sure, was it just me seeing things or was this guy really having an interest in me?

The glossy tears in my eyes prevented me from deciphering the emotion in his beautiful orbs. I lightly leaned forward, attempting to get a better view, but I didn't notice anything unusual. I don't know how much time we stayed there, completely lost in our sad little world. As I blinked the salty drops of water, I took a step, getting ready to leave. I walked past him, furious at myself for even thinking that someone could care about me. No one does. No one cares. You're alone. My subconscious took the liberty of me reminding me.

Wait, what? She was leaving. I couldn't let that happen. My mind running out of plans to get her to come back, I simply ran after her.

My eyes widened considerably when his frosty fingers touched my arm. He almost harshly pulled me into him. I hit his slightly bony chest with a thud. I was so surprised, frozen in his embrace. He seemed to never want to let go, his chin on my head and arms locked on the small of my back keeping me from pushing him away. Before I knew it, I was leaning into him, the spot I was in seemingly made especially for me. I was more comfortable and secure there, awkwardly hugged by a stranger than I had ever been before.

He pulled my chin up after kissing my newly-dampened hair. Soon enough, I noticed tears running down his skinny cheeks and my brows furrowed in interrogation. He had been crying too. Was it because of me?

"I've got you now. It's okay." He whispered. It was the first time I actually heard him talk.
I was still sobbing when he lifted his thumbs to my face, wiping away the proofs of my sadness.

I couldn't bear seeing her cry anymore. Now that I had manned-up and that she was in my arms, nothing was ever gonna make me let her be sad again. I didn't even know why she was in pain and of course I was curious, but it could wait. After all, I had no relationship with her and I was surprised she was even letting me hold her for so long.

"You know that right?" I wanted to be sure. Her head bobbed up and down slowly as a reply.

I wanted to kiss her so badly. So badly. But when I did, I wanted it to stay a happy memory in her mind. Her cries turned into small whimpers and I pulled back a little to get a better glimpse at her face.

He used his tear-stained shirt to remove any reminder that he had cried, before snaking his arm around my waist. He pulled me into him again, only that time, it was a sideways hug. He raised an eyebrow at me as if asking if I was ready to go. Where to? I had no idea, but I felt like I could trust the guy. The way he held me so close and so tight made me believe that maybe, just maybe I had found an ally in this war against the world.

Ridding my face of any remaining water works, I walked next to him.

And glancing into her eyes once more, I decided that I would never let her go. It was that day, that day that I made the wish to be her shield. To be her man and to fight next to her. And since then, it's exactly what I have been doing.

Hey, so I have barely proofread this one. It's just a sad chapter for a sad day. It's short, but more should be coming soon. Sorry, would have posted it yesterday, but the Internet was down.

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