From panic attacks to confessions

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Author Note: Ok so I have a theory. You probably know the Hey Maksy meme. So what if he's Torretes makes him say it because it is his most common one. Like if he is sitting in his room or with someone he could shout or whisper "H-hey ma-masky" cause of his Torretes.
3 person POV
Toby was walking around his room. He was listening to the voices go off in his head. They were gonna put him into a panic attack if they didn't stop.
"You know he won't love you"
"As of anyone could love you"
"You should just go die"
"Yeah go die"
They kept chanting die. To make matters worse his torretes was acting up making him say Hey masky over and over again.
"H-ey Ma-mask-y" Toby ticked.
He sat onto the floor trying to calm down. He started to rack back and forth.
"H-h-hey M-a-a-asky" His tics got worse.
After awhile he could stop repeating the phrase but his panic attack kept getting worse. The voices wouldn't stop. Toby started fo cry.
Masky POV
I was walking down the hallway and I heard someone crying. I followed it to Toby's room. I knocked but got no answer. So I opened the door to see him rocking back and forth while crying. His hands were on top of head as if to protect himself.
"Hey Toby what's the problem?" I asked loud enough I hopped he could hear.
He turned his head and look a bit up. His eyes looked as if he couldn't recognize me.
"H-he-llo-o." He murmured.
O walked over to him and sat down in front of him. He crawled onto my lap and hugged me as if his life depened on it.
"Can you tell me what's the problem?" I asked softly.
Toby took a few deep breaths so he could talk better.
"T-th-hey are ye-yell-ing at m-me." Toby replied
" who?" I asked
"T-the v-oi-ces" He squeaked
"Can you tell me what they said?"
"T-they to-ld me Ma-masky wo-uld ne-Nev-ver love m-me. Ho-how no-no on-e wou-would love me. That-that I-I sh-sho-should d-d-d-die." He mumbled into my chest."
I took a second ro processor what he had just told me.
"Hey Toby who do you think your talking to?" I ask
3 person pov
"Hey Toby who do you think your talking to?" Masky asked
Toby looked up to realize who he was talking to. When he realised he buried his face further into masky chest to hold his face.
"Toby~" Masky cooed
Toby just buried his face further into masky chest in response.
"Toby I need you to sit up please.".Masky stated
Toby sat up but didn't look at Masky. Maksy grabbed Toby face and made Toby look at at him. Masky rubbed his thumb along Toby bottom lip. Toby didn't make eye contact.
"Hey stop me if I go to far ok" makes told him
Toby nodded. Madly brought Toby face up to his and kissed him lovingly. It lasted for about a minute. Masky backed his face ups and looked into Toby's eyes.
"Like that toby" Masky grins
Toby nods a little in shock. He looks up at masky face and takes a deep breath.
"C-c-an yo-ou d-do it ag-aga-in?" Toby shudders out
Masky nods and brings Toby back into a kiss. Masky runs his tongue along Toby lip. He shudder and opens his mouth. Masky pushes his tongue into to claim his prize. He runs his tongue into every crevice of Toby's mouth claiming it. Masky pulls away and looks lovingly into Toby's eyes.
"I love you Toby" Masky  whispered into his ear
"I-I lo-ove yo-ou too." Toby replies.

Author note: 664 words not had for a first time. I hope you guys like it

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