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This world is full of wonder, joy and delight. Though darkness sneaks through that light taking any form with a fright. Love and friendship soon turns into lies, what a surprise. New people come around and say hi, but don't let them fool you, they won't let you stay a float. You could say they will make you into a ghost.

As a matter of fact this beach would be a good parallel. A lively beach filled with screams of laughter, but soon everyone ran like a cheetah without a farewell. Now, a desert with only the indicator of humans there is rotting trash litter around. Small waves crashing in the ocean, sea gullies chirping while pecking at the trash is the only sound.

Would you look at that? A person at the beach named Roshan. They're at the beach for...well who knows. Let's take a peek.

Thinking out loud Roshan was puzzled, "The only time I spoke with the popular kids was when I accidentally tripped and spilled my milkshake all over Poppy She was so furious it looked like she was going to explode." But Roshan quickly pushed that doubt aside yelling "I'm so excited! I can't believe that they invited me to go to the beach with them! When will they get here?! I can't wait!"

However, Roshan's excitement will come to a screeching halt as a flood of devastation will soon come, that I vow. Let's go see what's taking the 'popular kids' so long. Well, it seems the kids are right next to the beach in a car. There is Blaze with a sharp grin that will leave you trembling for days. Next, Fiona, a girl with a powerful and crafty mind, it could leave you in such a maze. Lasty, Poppy can be quite ghastly. Don't let the sweetness of her name fool you.

"I can't actually believe that the loser came!" Poppy said, looking out of the indigo color car window.

"Well that loser is really lonely. Probably wanted any attention they could get." Blaze said with a grin.

"At least we still will have some fun. Remember the plan?" Poppy said.

"Yes, we do. We are going to scare the ghost out of that loser." Fiona stated, "We should get going before the bore gets suspicious."

Excitedly, Poppy glared out the window to where Roshan was standing. She was going to get her revenge for her ruined outfit and scarred ego, no matter how deadly it turned out.

Ah yes, of course. The popular kids are bullies, what a cliche, I wish I could remorse.

"There you guys are. I have been waiting for you!" Roshan said impatiently.

"Sorry we were late," Blaze said with lies shooting from his mouth, "but I was looking for the true story of what happened here at this beach. I wanted to share it with you guys!"

"Did something interesting happen at this beach?" Roshan said with confusion and curiosity.

"Yeah," Blaze stated, "I know it is very surprising that a boring beach like this has a real tale."

"Well, tell us already!" Fiona sayed with no patience.

"Ok, ok" Blaze says, "Long ago at this beach there was a group of friends. They decide to go for a swim in the ocean. The other friends thought it would be funny to push their one friend underwater as a prank, not intending harm. When they finished, however, they waited for the friend to resurface, but they never did. Some said that their drowned friend's ghost still haunts this place waiting to bring the same terrifying fate to the next group of teens who venture to go out into the water."

Roshan was sweating bullets. "Maybe we shouldn't go in the water. Because after all this is why no one comes here." Said the nervous wreck.

"What, are you scared of a little urban legend?" Poppy said with a spiteful look in her eyes. "We can't hang out with scaredy pants."

"What, no!" Roshan explained with a new found confidence, "In fact, I will go into the ocean right now to prove it. I only said we should not go in because I thought you would be scared."

Poppy says with an evil grin now that her plan is in motion, "Let's make this a bet. The first one to get scared has to do one thing the other person says."

"Deal!" Roshan forced out the words, despite shaking.

The kids ran into the chilly water. They really should have listened to the tale, and now one's fate is sealed. They played for a while, splashing and horsing around almost like they were all friends. Finally, Poppy gave the signal to start the prank with no sympathy in her heart. Blaze went underwater to pull Roshan beneath the surface knowing he is far better at holding his breath. Roshan was suddenly startled being immersed fully in water that they lost their breath, scared that they were about to meet death. Blaze pushed Roshan as far as he could before swimming to the surface.

"Roshan is going to be so scared when they come up!" Blaze laughed.

"Yeah. We are victorious in this bet!" Fiona said.

"I'm totally going to make Roshan do something really embarrassing that will make this fake hang out worth it!" Poppy said knowing that her deviant plan has worked.

"Poppy, should Roshan have resurfaced by now?" Fiona asked.

"I can't breathe! It feels like I'm being pulled down by a mysterious force." Roshan frantically thought while trying to breathe in air that was not there, filling their lungs with salt water. Roshan was trying so hard to swim up, but the force was getting stronger. Like it did not want to let go of its prey. But Roshan could not give up. They keeped kicking and pushing over and over. They could not let their life end like thi...

"Yeah, they should have?" Blaze questioned. Blaze looked under the water and saw a drowned Roshan sinking down farther. "They're dead! Run!"

The teens frantically ran away not wanting to be arrested for murder.

A vibrant blue light came from the ocean naked to the human eye. A dark blue skin phantom slowly rose from the blue light to the sky. Endless tears run down their face.

"What, where am I? What happened? I thought I was drowning?" Roshan said, rubbing their eyes as if they just woke up from a nap that was cut short.

"I see you're finally awake or should I say dead. Just like me." The narrator spoke.

Roshan was unable to focus since the thought of being dead was still too new to have set in. Pain and sadness was all Roshan could feel, they felt like they were spinning.
"You know you should have listened to that tale because after all, that story is all true. I was only able to pull you down because someone pushed you down first. Now that you're here I can leave and do whatever I want. Travelling the world or exploring the afterlife, finally free from this filthy beach. You can leave, but you need to have someone else take your fate. Have fun!" I said without a care in the world.

As I was flying away I heard Roshan scream in agony knowing that they are stuck at the beach, unless they bring the same fate to another poor soul. That is, if anyone else comes.

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