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Kakashi grunted as he was hauled up the stairs to where Karin and the others were staying. He was coming up from a fresh beating. His lip was busted and his body was litters in cuts and bruises. He was also sure there was a broken rib somewhere too.

The door to Karin's room opened and Kakashi was shoved inside. "Shower. Then come down to the dining room. Try to escape and we'll kill pretty boy here." The guard said, gesturing to Suigetsu.

Kakashi glared at the guard but did as told. He showered then stood guard as Karin helped bath Suigetsu. Juugo kept the guard busy enough for Karin to quickly shower on her own without being stared at like some snack.

"Good. Change and meet me downstairs." The guard said before walking out, closing the door behind him.

"Hey, copy-ninja,"Suigetsu called. Kakashi looked over to see a grin plastered on the boys face. "Don't worry about us. We're strong. Hell, Sasuke Uchiha hand picked us to be on his team."

Kakashi sighed, nodding as he changed into a regular black suit. He placed a collar on Suigetsu and held the rope as the boy changed into boxers and grey shorts. He looked over to see Karin trying to cover her body as she glared at it in the mirror. Kakashi walked over and place a gentle but firm hand on her shoulder. "Dont look." He said, softly nudging her away from the mirror. She turned around to hug him, tears staining her cheeks as she sobbed helplessly. And all Kakashi could do was rub her back and tell her sweet nothings. He felt Suigetsu join the hug and gently patted the boys head. He ruffled Juugos and sighed.

"I'm sorry. I promised you all. I'm stronger than this. I should've been able to-"

Suigetsu pinched Kakashi's side. "Shut up. It's okay copy-ninja."

Kakashi chuckled emptily. "Just call me Kakashi. After all, your my sons friends."

All three teens pulled away from the hug staring at Kakashi like he has three heads. He scratched the bag of his head sheepishly as he smiled. "You didn't know,huh?" They shook their heads 'no' simultaneously.

"Sasuke doesn't really talk about his private life much." Suigetsu said, Karin nodding.


"Yeah, but he mentions you a lot. And his team from time to time." Juugo said.

Kakashi smiled at that, behind his mask. He put on his headband and sighed. "We should get going."


Gaara used his sand to carry everyone over the abandoned village of Sunagakure. He looked around with furrowed brows. Just weeks ago this place was lively, days ago it was chaotic, now it's abandoned?

"Where is everybody?" Kiba asked, watching Neji's blind spot intently.

"Tenzo might have taken them hostage. That, or he forced some of them into being his bodyguards and private army." Shikamaru replied, senses heightened as he looked around for any slight movement or change in the atmosphere. "How troublesome. There are barely any shadows." He muttered.

"It's fine. Our destination is the bunker isn't it?" Naruto said, holding Hinata's hand tightly as she used Byakugan to look out for Tenzo. There's plenty of shadows you can use there."

Sai ignored the action of the sudden couple, nodding. "Yeah but, something is up. It feels like...like..."

"Like they knew we were coming." Neji finished stealing a quick glance at him before going back on watch.

Sai nodded. "Yeah. We should keep our eyes peeled." Sasuke felt the change in the wind and quickly reached for his sword.

"Change formation. Neji, Kiba, Sai, up front. The rest of us, watch Neji's blind spot and the village. Something is up." Sasuke commanded, hand instinctively reaching for his weapons pouch.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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