All healthy cats are given 4 energy every moon. This can change depending on the different things going on like injuries, ect.INJURIES & SICKNESS
Fever and Cough - 4 energy
Slightly Injured, Whitecough - 3 energy
Injured, Infections - 2 energy
Severely Injured, Greencough - 1 energy
Severely Injured and Poisoning - Lost all energy and can't do anything that moonCats older then 130 moons will have 2 energy maximum. Expecting queens and kits ( under 6 months ) have 1 energy.
/patrol alone ( Cat )
- patrols the territory / ship alone. Gives .25 to the ship protection or border and get items! You have a .50% of finding items that can help bonds, give powers or something else!/patrol with... ( cats )
- patrols the territory or ship with others. Gives .25 for each cat ( the max is four cats on one patrol. ) You still have a chance of finding items but the 50% is split between everyone.Hunting
- (cat name) hunts solo;
no partner bonus, if you are at sea then there is a 40% you get lost at sea or get caught by other animals. On land its easier and you can find other cats, items and accessories!- (cat name) hunts with (cat(s) name(s) );
you hunt with one or more cats (max is four) You get bonus prey for how many cats there are plus a +20% of survival at sea. You can still be Injured.HUNTING CHARTS
Huntingskill Level - Prey
0 skill |0 prey
1 skill | 0 - 1 prey
2 skill | 0 - 2 prey
3 skill | 1 - 3 prey
4 skill | 1 - 4 prey
5 skill | 2 - 5 prey
Bonus Prey | 0 - 3 preyHealing
- (medic cat name) heals (Injured cat)
Can only be used by cats with medic training but they must have a high enough skill level as well as have enough herbsHEALING CHARTS
Healingskill - What they can heal
Skill 0 | Nothing
Skill 1 | Cough, Fever
Skill 2 | Whitecough, Slighting Injured
Skill 3| Infections, Injured
Skill 4 | Greencough
Skill 5 | Severely Injured, PoisoningONLY UNLOCKED WITH A ITEM
Skill 6 | Broken bones, Near-DeathSICKNESS / INJURIES
Sickness/injuries - herbs needed
Fever | Takes one herb
Cough | Takes two herbs
Whitecough, Slightly Injured & Infections | Takes Three herbs
Greencough and Injured | Takes Four herbs
Broken bones | Two sticks and Five herbs
Severely Injured | Six herbs
Near - Death | Fifteen herbsForaging
- ( medic cat name) forage solo;
no partner bonus, have to be on land.- (medic ) forage with (other medics)
forage with partners, you can get bonus herbs but you must be on land.FORAGING CHARTS
Skill - herbs collecting
0 skill |0 herbs
1 skill | 0 - 1 herb
2 skill | 0 - 2 herbs
3 skill | 1 - 3 herbs
4 skill | 1 - 4 herbs
5 skill | 2 - 5 herbs
Bonus Herbs | 0 - 3 herbsGathering
- ( cat name) gathers solo;
no partner bonus, have to be on land.
SEA GLASS. ✵ a warriors command game.
Random❝ Not all treasures are silver and gold ❞ ↳ A warriors pirate command game. ✰ Cats from Asterclan have been casted out one at a time.. After moons of warriors being thrown away, they gather together and make their own group, their own d...