Im scared

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Panic attack
Mentions of abuse


No one's POV:

Tommy found himself running, running as fast as he can! From who or what was he running from you ask? Dream, he was running from dream. All he remembers was him hearing the loud siren from the prison, 'Dream escaped?!..' is all Tommy could think of.. what could he do in this situation? Wait 'The axe of peace!' Then the running began as Tommy ran to exile, oh how he hated exile but he had to go.

Tommy finally made it to exile, he was so relieved, he began digging, he found the chest but oh... The axe is gone?! But how? Then suddenly he heard the familiar voice, that voice can ring through his head he absolutely hates that voice, the voice that brought back so much memories, bad memories that is.

"Hi Tommy! Did you miss me?~" "What?" Said Tommy shakily. "Aw Tommy were you looking for this?" Dream was holding the axe of peace that Tommy was so desperate for. "D-Dream, how are
y-you out of the p-prison?..." "Phil and techno helped me escape, you know your brother and your dad" "Your lying! Dream you just lied to me! They wouldn't do that! least I don't think they would..." "oh tommy how stupid are you".

Dream and Tommy stared at each other for a very long time and then Dream hit tommy...Tommy put up his shield. "This is just like exile tommy" "don't
y-you dare bring up e-exile" "Tommy if I kill you, I'll just revive you and then I'll kill you again and then I'll revive you and kill you again" "NO! No you won't d-dream!!" "Oh but I will~" dream hit tommy startling him. Tommy began to run what else was he supposed to do, I mean can you blame him he's been running his whole life it's the only thing he thinks of when in a situation like this.

"TOMMY!" Dream appeared in front of him laughing, 'how in the hell did dream already have enderpearls?!' "TOMMY COME HERE!" "LEAVE ME ALONE DREAM!" Dream kept appearing everywhere.

Anyways, back to the present! Tommy was running through the woods, he didn't know where to go at this point did he go to the ruins of L'Manburg or his house? Should he go to tubbo's no he couldn't, he would put tubbo and his family in trouble. Techno and Phil! He has to go with Phil! After all Phil is his dad, tho he never really cared for Tommy but he could try. So there Tommy went to his older brother and his dad.

Dream was still chasing behind him, but he teleported yet again. "TOMMY YOU'LL GET TIRED AT SOME POINT!" "SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP!" Tommy ran faster eager to find techno!
(techno was big, tall, strong, and scary that's why tommy was eager to find him instead of Phil).

Tommy could start to see the cabin, he began to yell "TECHNO, PHIL, PLEASE HELP PLEASE JUST HELP ME PLEASE!" Tommy was crying, like bawling his eyes out to the point where everything was blurry, he soon tripped hard against the cold, hard snow.

"T-TEch? Phil? Help now..." tommy passed out, he had hit his head on a rock in the making of tripping. All he could hear were the sounds of snow boots stomping as someone ran towards him, then he was lifted off the ground and then boom! He felt nothing or could hear nor see anything...


Tommy woke up with the worst headache he has ever had! "Ow, where am I?.." Tommy got up and suddenly it hit him, all the memories began flashing back to him. "No..No! Dreams gonna get m-me he's b-back!".

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