𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: 𝙄𝙨 𝙎𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙚?

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clap! clap! 👏

Everyone had just finished their turn and it was time to get back inside the classroom, "Alright, children! Back to your proper seats! Inside! Quickly now!" Mr. Mason instructed as he clapped his hands and gestured the students to the entrance door. "I guarantee, I am not going to receive even a single paper airplane" Y/N started a bet with Jace, "and I bet you that I am not getting a date to prom this year" he debated confidently "Hopefully..." he added while mumbling his words. Y/N giggled and debated with him "I bet not!" Jace scoffed while slightly smiling, then the two parted to return to their designated seat.

As Y/N walked to her seat, she was in complete shock and was also filled with curiosity.

✈︎ two paper airplanes ✈︎

"Who...?" Y/N wondered as she took her seat and began to unfold one of the two paper airplanes. The first paper airplane had her full name written in all capital letters, giving her an impression that this boy could be somewhat one of the "bad boys". She then opened the second paper airplane, her name was neatly written in cursive, leaving her think that this boy is kind, caring and loving, but was doubting it at the same time. She furrowed her eyebrows and shifted her head to look at Jace who was apparently making a silly shock face. Y/N smiled and giggled at his behavior, then focused her eyes to Mr. Mason who was about to speak.

"I hope you all had fun with our little game. Quick disclaimer though, you are not required to do the said rules. That is to help your partner in asking their crush out to prom. The purpose of this was to assist you, or atleast boost your confidence and have a little fun!" Mr. Mason elaborated as he paced back and forth, applying appropriate gestures. Then suddenly, the principal was speaking through the PA system "Good morning everyone. May I remind you all that there are 6 days left before Prom Night and I am highly encouraging the teachers to postpone your lectures until the end of the event. Instead, I would like all of you to prepare for the said event such as plans, decorating, practice and the like. Thank you and good morning!" the students cheered after the principal's announcement.


After the first two class periods, it was finally lunch time! Y/N first headed straight to her locker to place the lecture books that she will no longer be need for the rest of the day. As she closed her locker, she was loudly greeted by one of her energetic friends "HEY, Y/N!", she jumped and let out a soft scream. It was Millie Bobbie Brown and Noah Schnapp! "Jesus, Millie! You have got to stop surprising me like that or I might as well just end up at the hospital in the next 5 seconds" Y/N joked, placing her right palm on her chest to indicate that she was startled. Millie and Noah then began to chuckle at Y/N "Sorry, sorry! You just look soo.. Uhm.. How do I put this..?" Millie paused, trying to come up with the right term with Y/N's appearance "Upside down?" Noah continued, trying to indicate a little pun. The three began to laugh, "What do you mean?" Y/N questioned, "Well, what she means is that you look like something is troubling or, maybe, bothering you. What's up?" Noah asked with concern in his voice.

And so, Y/N began to explain about the game that they played during Mr. Mason's class, "And I got two airplanes! TWO!" Y/N exclaimed, then Millie and Noah's jaw dropped as they were happy about it. Millie began to jump while holding Y/N's wrist "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Y/N! You do you realize what this means, right?" Millie asked with excitement, "Noo..?" Y/N frowned her eyebrows. Then Millie stopped jumping, widened her eyes, slightly quirking her eyebrows, with her jaw dropping and constantly staring at Y/N with disbelief. Noah happily scoffed, "It means that there is a chance that you might have a date this year!" he cheered. Y/N's eyebrows were relaxed, her lips showing no emotions and her eyes were wide open as if she has forgotten how to blink, she was in complete shock!

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