Chapter 2

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*Scott's POV*
It takes a while for Stiles to focus his attention back to the present. It isn't really a problem for me since I get to stare at him without him questioning me. I have this weird feeling inside of me as if I love him, and im not sure if it is but if i tell him it will probably ruin our friendship and I dont want that to happen.

Another hour goes by and dusk starts to fall. It transforms the sky into crimson and gold for a while, before everything is cloaked in navy blue, makes the road look more mysterious, all darkness and hidden corners. Stiles flips on the high beams, eyes ever watchful.

"Another hour until the motel, right?" I murmured, scratching the back of my neck.

"Wasn't I supposed to take over a while back?"

"It's okay, I'm good." He replies automatically.

"Thanks! You're the best"

*Stile's POV*
Silence filled up the air and I can see scott resting his head on the window.
15 minutes passes by and i start thinking about our childhood.
For us it was natural communicate through eyebrow-raises, with our super-secret handshake and our unending loyalty to one another, but I thought we should retire from that when we were fifteen. I still regret doing that, so I glance at Scott quickly.

"Sometimes I think we've forgotten how to be us and then you say something, or look at me a certain way, and it all comes back."

He stares at me blankly, not knowing what to say. After a few seconds he replies.

"I think just because things change, it doesn't mean they're overwritten."

"Yeah, and this, this right here, us alone together again, it's like data recovery for the soul," I say, trying to give him a hint. Instead he bursts out a laugh and I just grin.

"Dude, we're so deep. It must be time for food. We're never this sagacious when we're full."

"Sagacious," Scott says flatly. "And you mock me for my vocabulary usage."

"No one uses sedulous in everyday conversation. No one."

"You asked me to describe Derek's work ethic in one word."

"I thought that word would be 'great' or 'good', hell I actually thought it would be 'terrible'."

"Lie," Scott says with a small smirk.

I roll my eyes and switch my focus back to the road. The turn off isn't too far ahead, but the exhaustion i've been staving off with energy drinks is settling into my bones, sharp pin-pricks that give the worrying sensation of an itch. But part of me wants to stay on the road forever, just exploring, safe in my metal roll cage with my best friend by my side. And then there's that part of me that desperately wants to sleep.

*Scott's POV*
I never thought we both ever wanted to go to another motel after the Glen Capri, and we don't, not really, but it's the most convenient of all the options. There aren't any luxury hotels for miles even if we could afford one. So we ended up picking the motel. Stiles spent approximately nine days researching and the worst complaint he saw was about the patterns used for the bedding.

*Stile's POV*
By the time I pull up it's definitely twilight. Scott jumps around and shakes out his limbs as I lock the car and we stand looking at the motel for way too long to be acceptable before we start walking towards it.

The clerk at the desk looks at us. We ordered a room with only one bed, because it was the cheapest option and we've never really had a problem with being too close. In Scotts estimation no such thing exists. But the dude who hastily shoves the key over the counter clearly has a problem with it. I just go with it when Scott responds by rubbing a hand over his neck and leaning in to whisper in his ear. Scott's become a master of subtle resistance. The guy looks ready to snatch the key back, but Scott has it twirling between his fingers before he can.

"We'll pay up front," he says, making it obvious for Brad that he'd probably get fired if he suddenly denied us entry.
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