Do You Remember?

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Requested by Tannu2003

It was a typical Saturday for the members. They usually all split up to do their own favorite activities on their days off after spending so much time together during the week. However there were still times when they found themselves hanging out on the weekends too. Hobi and Taehyung accompanied Namjoon to one of the art exhibitions he really wanted to see. Yoongi left to hang out with some friends who were in the industry, Jin stayed home to play video games, and Jimin and Jungkook were getting ready to head out to an old rock quarry and play around on a four wheeler. The place they were going was a pretty popular spot, you could rent four wheelers and race around the quarry or branch off onto different trails. Jin was hesitant about them going, he was overprotective and thought four wheelers were too dangerous, but he knew he couldn't really control his members and tell them they couldn't go. All he could do was continuously remind them to be safe.

"You two have helmets right?" Jin asked as he was looking for something to drink in the fridge. Jimin and Jungkook were both finishing up their lunch at the table.

"I think they have helmets you can rent there," Jimin told his hyung.

"You think they have helmets? What if they don't? I don't want you riding around on a four wheeler without helmets."

"Then we'll... go buy some?" Jungkook asked, wondering if that was the answer Jin was looking for.

"Okay, good."

Jungkook smiled, that must've been the answer his hyung was looking for. Once the two finished their lunch they got ready to go and headed for the car.

"Be safe, don't drive it around too quickly, and remember helmets!" Jin yelled as the two disappeared out the door.

When Jimin and Jungkook got to the rock quarry they were excited to see that the place did in fact offer helmet rentals so they didn't have to go out and buy their own. Some people had cut in line for renting them, but both of them were too shy to really say anything. When it got to them, Jungkook's helmet was a little bit too big for him but it was the smallest size they had left. He couldn't switch with Jimin because Jimin's would have been too small.

"This should be okay right?" Jungkook asked Jimin after getting his helmet on. Jimin stepped forward and grabbed the strap of it and fixed it, his maknae hadn't buckled it correctly. He was able to pull the strap tighter after fixing it so it at least fit his maknae a little better.

"Yeah, it's good. Let's go!" Jimin ran towards the four wheelers and picked the biggest one, and they both hopped on. Jungkook and Jimin took turns driving it around the quarry and through the trails. There was this one group of friends there who were being a little too obnoxious driving theirs around. They were going way too fast and almost crashed into a ton of people. Some people had even gotten off their vehicles to go complain to the workers, but the workers told them there wasn't really anything they could do. It was Jimin's turn to drive and he decided to take more trails instead of staying in the quarry, they seemed safer with less people. At least he thought it was safer. He was going around a corner when one of the people from earlier who was driving obnoxiously sped around the corner coming right towards them. The trails were one way trails, the people shouldn't have been coming from that direction.

Jimin and Jungkook both screamed as the person was clearly about to crash into them. Jimin tried to break and swerve out of the way, causing their four wheeler to flip over onto its side. They both flew off of it, and Jungkook's helmet somehow managed to fly off too. The other person driving didn't show any plan of stopping. They crashed into the now sideways four wheeler and it smacked Jungkook in the head. The person backed up and sped away without even giving them a single glance. Jimin wasn't badly hurt, he'd only scraped his elbow a little bit, but panic shot through him when he looked over and saw Jungkook laying there completely still, with his eyes open, and his helmet 10 feet away.  He frantically crawled over to him, "Jungkook! Oh my God, are you okay??! Are you okay?!" Jimin shook Jungkook and finally the younger looked at him, "Ow, what happened?"

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