Day 1: 2/25/22

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Hiiii, okay first i wanna say some things about me. My full name is Keira Muldrow ( the middle name isn't important) and i am 14 in 9th grade. I am depressed and for some reason it isn't that big of a deal to me (personally, everybody's feelings are valid). I am starting anti-depressants today and i'm kinda excited to see how it goes. I wonder will i feel more depressed or will it make me extremely happy. Idk but I feel so empty right now writing this and it is probably because my mom told me earlier " do something with your life" and I had to sit and think because what can I do really. My life is boring and I don't even know how to fix that. 

Random thought that i wanted to write down but ever since I was smaller i have wanted a job. It didn't matter what job it was I just wanted to make money and i carry that same determination into my teenage years. The thing is nobody hires 14 year olds in Florida and it is really making me mad. I feel they shouldn't have age limits on jobs because anybody could really do these easy jobs. Except for yk the harder jobs but look they don't even have to take the age limits away they just  need to lower them. 13+ because as we get older we are getting more responsible and we want money that's it that's all. 

I have so many things i want to do in my life but every single thing cost money these days. That really teaches you something though because it shows you reality. LIFE IS NOT FAIR!!!!!! Nothing we can say or do about it because it is what is . Life limits every possibility or oppurtunity you have and I stand by that. Like being depressed , It limits what you can do sometimes you don't wanna get out of bed or get dressed and do basic needs.( If anybody wants to talk i'm here). Look I promise i'm not talking about serious stuff all the time I will throw in jokes and show you how funny i am because every one says i'm the funniest person alive.

This is just the start so I'll come back and talk more tommorow. Love you guys to death already(for the suicidal ones you're welcome )

:) :) :) :) Keira is out

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2022 ⏰

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