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"Congratulations! You have been recruited to work at Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex! Please contact —————— to inquire about the job! We'll see you soon!"

That was the message left on Averill's phone one morning. They didn't dwell on it and just got up and ready for their day. It was 4 AM Averill was getting dressed as they hummed quietly to themselves, trying not to make too much noise and wake their brother who was still sleeping in the room a few feet away. They began their morning routine, making some half assed breakfast, turning on the news in the living room, and cleaning up what they had neglected the day before. Even with the TV on low volume as Averill looked back at it they saw the new mall that opened up a few months back. The Mega Pizzaplex. Why was this place everywhere they looked all of a sudden? Reading the little blurbs that popped on the screen looked like kids had gone missing at the plex... quite a few. Averill felt their heart fall in sympathy for the poor families, but at the same time keep a better eye on your child. Averill stared a bit lost in thought as they heard a noise, turning too look down the hall.
"Sib?" A groggy voice called, it was Darian.
"Hey bud im sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." Averill spoke softly in a apologetically tone as Darian walked over and looked at the building plastered on the tv before Averill quickly turned it off. "Go back to sleep Rin. You still got two more hours before ya gotta go to school." Averill said with a soft smile as they pet his messy curly hair when he leaned into sleepily hug them.
"Nah I can be up too." He yawned, very unconvincingly to Averill who chuckled softly and scooped him up.
"You need sleep bud." They said as they walked him back to his room, humming softly as the set him down in his bed. He was already out cold again, causing Averill to stifle a snicker in their throat as they pulled the blankets over him and walked back out to continue their routine.
5:30 AM, Darian's alarm went off and he got ready for school as Averill was making some toast and eggs for him, leaving it on the small island waiting for him to come out.
Darian sat down and started to eat as Averill smiled a bit. "Wanna come shopping with me later? Gotta get groceries."
"I have club today I'll be at school late" Darian said looking up at them.
"Ohhh fine! Make excuses not to hang out with your lame sibling!" Averill said dramatically as they swung back and draped a pathetic wrist over their face in woe, causing Darian to stammer.
"What?! That's not it! Ave you're so cool!"
"I'm just joking buddy" they snickered and ruffled his curls. "Finish up" they said as they turned and saw their phone buzzing. It was the same message as this morning. "What the hell..?"
"What is it Sib?" Darian asked as he looked at them. They turned to their brother still looking at the message and raised a brow.
"Hey Rin, what do you know about that new mall?" They asked
"It's hella cool! They've got laser tag, a raceway- it's huge! And there are Animatronics that interact and play with you" Darian proceeded to gush as Ave listened and only was more confused. Why would the reach out to hire them?
"My friends wanted to go there for Pat's birthday at the end of the year." Darian added as dread flooded Averills eyes. Not with kids going missing, they weren't losing him. They had to think of something, cogs in their head turning frantically to make up an excuse.
"Why did you ask?" Darian broke their thought as they glanced back at him.
"Oh Uh... I got a call. They reached out about giving me a job"
"You applied there?!"
"No they just called. I don't even know what the job is." Averill said.
"Why don't you find out?"
"Well I have the shop too-"
"Dennis can take care of it when you work there! He already is here as much as you are" Darian said with stars in his eyes. He seemed really excited about the new job as Averill smiled softly.
"I'll call back then. See what's up." They said "now Cmon brush your fangs and let's go." They said taking his empty plate as he ran off.

After Darian was off to school, Averill admittedly was hesitant to call back. They stared at their phone for a long while till they got a call instead, same number. Three times in one day, definitely odd. They picked up and raised a brow.
"Hello?" They said confused.
"Hello, is this Averill Prolux?" A voice said on the other end, thankfully not that automated message.
"That's me, who is this?" They asked softly
"This is Debrah Collins. I'm from Fazbear Entertainment, I was calling about the job offer."
"Oh, I was just about to call you back. I actually have questions." Averill said softly.
"I figured as much." Debrah chuckled "ask away dear."
"Well first, how did you guys find me? I never sent an application." Averill asked as they sat at their table. That was the main creepy question out of the way.
"Well we have a job that could use your specific skills" Debrah said.
"Yeah, well I don't have a degree or nothin so I don't think I could really be-"
"You don't need one." Debrah cut them off. "We've done our research. You do beyond excellent job at that Auto shop of yours. You've even entered in local robotics contests and won."
"Not gonna lie, Ms. Collins, but that's really creepy." Averill said forcing a chuckle as Debrah laughed softly.
"Understandable. I'm sorry about that but we could really use your skills for a problem we've been having."
Averill paused "cause of... the kids?" They questioned
"Not per say. Security as a whole is lacking. And some of our bots keep having malfunctions." Debrah explained briefly.
"So you want me to be a Technician?"
"More so over all Maintenance, you'd sadly be the only one there but you'd be in complete charge. I figured you could help us with the little bugs, and complaints about bots. Whether it be internal or cosmetic changes you'd have full range and permission. You'd be paid very well for your service. And you'd be fully in charge of handling our Animatronics as well." Debrah said as Averill blinked in surprise. That was a lot of control. They thought quietly for a moment as Debrah broke the silence soon after. "You don't have to answer right this moment. But the sooner the better. This is my office number incase you have more questions or make up your mind." She said sweetly. "I hope to hear from you soon." She said before the call ended. Averill sat there to think it over, eventually going to open the shop the job offer still sitting in the back of their mind.
They were completely lost in thought for the day. Just going through the motions as their mind turned over and over all the pros and cons of this new offer. If they actually did well it'd be an over all good, maybe they could figure out what was happening to all those kids and then if they did they wouldn't feel so awful about Darian having his friends go missing.
"Hey Rill!" A voice broke their train of thought. They looked over their shoulder and sighed "Dennis what's up?" They said softly.
"You're zoning out a lot you okay? Need a day?"
"Nah bud I'm fine" they said as they leaned back in their chair as they turned it to look at him. Dennis could tell it wasn't very convincing. He crouched infront of them and placed a hand on their knee.
"Cmon Rill, can't lie to me that easy" he said as Averill let out a half hearted scoff.
"I got a job offer."
"The new mall. They've been trying to reach to me all day." Averill said as Dennis raised a brow. "Yeah weird right?!"
"A little. Did ya talk to anyone from there?"
"Yeah. She seemed nice I guess.. as nice as a corporate shark can be." Averill said as Dennis snorted.
"What do they want ya to do? Mop the floors?" He teased.
"No. They want me as head of maintenance."
"What?! Yo that's cool"
"I'd only get the job cause I'd be the only one there, Den." Averill furrowed their brows "it'd just be me, reprogramming, fixing bugs, and lord only knows what else."
"Not like that's anything different. You like grinding by yourself, don't even pretend you don't." He said as Averill gave him a sour look, even though they knew he was right. "So the manager wants you to do what you do best-"
"It wasn't the Manager, she was from Corporate." Averill said as Dennis blinked.
"Well then you gotta take the job. If corporate wants you to work there and they're basically giving you charge of all this junk that's a good set up."
"But what about the shop? I can't sell it, I'd lose my apartment"
"I'll run the shop while you do that. You leave me here to run the helm all the time when Darian has to go somewhere." Dennis said and smiled "I got you. I'd sooner carve my tongue out with a rusty fork before I let you two go homeless."
"Gross but aw." Averill snickered and hugged him "thanks Den, you're literally the best."
"I try~" Dennis snickered as he hugged them back. "But really if you wanna do it, go for it. You might actually like it. You've always had fun with robots and stuff more than car parts." Dennis said as Averill smiled a bit and nodded.
So tomorrow they planned to call Ms Collins back and take the job, though they couldn't help but feel their stomach turn over at the thought.

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