Welcome to the Chaos

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The next day Averill has a video interview with Ms. Collins. Even though it was only over video, Averill felt like they'd be sick. They had never really had to interview for a seemingly formal job, so they were a bit nervous, they basically scrubbed the whole apartment just to keep themselves busy before they had to get dressed and open their laptop for the call. On thing they didn't count on, was Darian being home that day. He didn't feel well so before doing all the crazy cleaning, Averill called his school to say they were keeping him home for the day. Thankfully after medicine he slept most of the interview.
"Well I just had to do this for formality's case, you're by all means hired." Debrah stated as they finished the questions. "I assume you know where the Pizzaplex is?"
"Yes ma'am" Averill said as they played with their hands under the table. "Can I, Uh, ask more about what my job would be?"
"Oh yes of course. Well as I said before you have full reign over the animatronics and other bots, whether it be re programming or a cosmetic update to make them a bit more popular with the kids, all up to you. Obviously anything you may make during your employment using our materials and such will still be our property, that's something you signed in those documents I sent over."
"Yes ma'am I saw." Averill said, though their anxiety danced within their eyes, and Debrah could see it.
"What else is it?" She asked softly.
"Well... no offense to you at all, but that just seems like... a lot of authority to give one person... especially over things essential to this business." Averill said as Debrah smiled at her screen.
"I have the upmost confidence in your skills, Mx Prolux." She said "And if anything happens I will back you if needed. Provided you're doing a good job"
"Of course ma'am." They said and smiled softly then jumped hearing Darien start coughing loud.
"Oh are you alright?" Debrah asked
"Oh I'm fine, just my little brother is home sick- um... could you just give me one moment please?" They asked
"Of course, take you're time." Debrah said as Averill thanked her before walking down the hall to check on Darian getting him settled again, coming back out when he was.
"I'm so sorry about that." Averill said
"No need to apologize. I read your file, I knew you have a younger sibling in your ward." Debrah said and smiled kindly "I find it admirable how you're so dedicated to him."
"He's all I have." They said and smiled weakly.
"If it is easier for you, you could bring him with you, we have a daycare center to watch him while you work. You wouldn't have to pay adverse price since you're an employee." She said as Averill tried to force a smile.
"O-oh no it's okay. He has school and someone with him all the time. Besides he's 10, might be a little old for the daycare." Averill chuckled as Debrah laughed softly
"Probably." She said "well if that's all, your orientation day will be tomorrow night, figured it'd be easier with no customers around for you." She said "the manager will only be there for a little while to meet you there and give you a brief tour. After that you can do what you like, do analysis or get straight to work." She said as Averill nodded
"Thank you so much Ms. Collins."
"Of course. Anything else, call me." She said before the call ended. Averill took a deep sigh as the slouched into their chair for a moment before looking down the hall, getting up to check on Darian again. He was finally sleeping again. They pushed his hair back out of his face, taking the full bag of tissues and giving him a new box full, placing some water on his nightstand before walking back out, leaving his door cracked open so they could listen. Eventually as the day went on, Darien was feeling better after having rest both going to sleep for the night after.

The next night Averill left Darien with Dennis, both overly thrilled for a boys night.
"You're Gonna be here for the next few nights while I'm at the new job." They said as they hugged Darien and kissed his head. "So behave"
"I'll behave!" Darien said as Ave looked up at Dennis and snickered
"I was talking to Dennis" they said as Dennis scoffed
"We'll be fine" he laughed as he pet Dariens head "go on we won't wait up" he chuckled
"I'll see you knuckle heads in the morning." Ave snickered as they left and headed to the new plex. They were pretty early so they could still get in as the last few people were leaving.
"We're closing." A female voice said annoyed.
"Yeah I know. I'm here for work." Averill said "I'm the new Maintenance-"
"Oh joy." The blonde cut them off with the sarcastic comment.
"If I had known you were the welcoming committee I would've brought a colder jacket, cause you're fuckin fridged" Averill scoffed and looked at her badge "Vanessa." They said and looked back at her now irritated face.
"Who the hell do you think you are?"
"The person who's here to fix the bots cause nobody else can apparently.  You know how to re assemble motorized joints and make them self sustaining?" They said and put their hands in their pockets waiting for an answer from the flustered guard, who just grumbled quietly. "That's what I thought. Now Vanny, if you could be so kind as to point me in the direction of the Manager?" They said as she huffed.
"And the name is Vanessa." She said sternly as Averill ignored her and walked in the direction she gestured to. As they walked up the steps they could see a door at the beginning of the hall that read "Management" on it. Had to be the office. Averill knocked on the door which opened shortly after to show the manager getting ready to head out. He was a little bit taller than Averill, average build. Honestly if someone could be the color beige that was this dude.
"You must be the newbie i got an email about. Umm, April?"
"Averill." They corrected softly and offered their hand to shake.
"Sorry bout that. I'm Frank, the A.M. . Craig is the manager but he went home early for whatever reason." Frank said as he rolled his eyes slightly. Oh joy, workplace drama, Averill thought to themselves. "Anyway," Frank continued "let me show you around and give you a run down, before i throw you into the shop." He finished and locked the office as he walked ahead of Averill, leading them around.
They walked to the most main parts of the Plex that would most often need some kind of maintenance, such as Gator Golf and Roxy Raceway.
"Damn kids really are out of control nowadays" Averill chuckled softly seeing the destroyed raceway.
"This is actually from Roxy" Frank said a bit sheepishly, as Averill looked a bit surprised.
"Roxy as in... The animatronic? Isn't... Can't they not be violent?" Averill asked.
"Well she doesn't do it when kids are here, after hours she often has... Tantrums. She takes it out on the raceway so were constantly fixing the bots, the carts... the actual raceway." He said and looked at the slight fear on Averill's face.
"Oh! Don't worry, they're really not bad i promise. Some of them just, have a lot of emotions." Frank explain poorly.
"They're robots." Averill said and raised a brow as frank chuckled softy.
"You've never been here before have you?"
"Nope" Averill said as Frank nodded and lead them to Rockstar Row
"Well then how about i introduce you to your new wards, and you can tell me what you think, techie." He chuckled and opened Freddy's door. "Hey Freddy, we have a new friend."
Freddy's ears twitched upward as he looked over at them, sitting up on his couch. "Oh! Hello, its so nice to meet you" Freddy said cheerily as he scanned Averill, his ears quirked in confusion. "I do not have you as an employee file."
"Cause tonight's their first night buddy, this is Averill." Frank said as Averill blinked a bit amazed by the behavior alone. They looked back at Frank as he chuckled softly. "You can fill out your own file later tonight and upload it. It'll merge with the one Freddy makes now." Frank said.
"So you're all hooked up to the same server?" Averill asked as Freddy nodded. "Cool."
"So where will you be working, Averill?" Freddy asked curiously, head tilting accordingly, causing Averill to chuckle.
"I'm gonna be in maintenance, so you'll be seeing a lot of me." They said as Freddy seemed to be happy at that.
"That's wonderful, we haven't had people in Parts and Services for a while. It's just been the S.T.A.F.F Bots, and they can really only do so much." He lamented, as Averill and Frank chuckled.
"Well I'll take good care of you guys, that's a promise okay?" They said and smiled softly.
Freddy seemed to smile and nodded "Okay." He said as his ears wiggled a bit.
"We'll let you charge up big guy, I'm gonna let them meet the others" Frank said as he walked out of the room, Averill following as they waved slightly to Freddy, who waved back happily.

"I didn't realize they were that sentient." Averill said as they walked down the row.
"Yeah it takes some getting use to. Most everyone has fun with it, they're just like coworkers." Frank chuckled as he knocked on Roxy's door. "Hey Roxy? You in there?" He called as you heard some stomping inside.
"If she's not in a good mood i don't gotta meet her tonight." Averill said as the door opened, looking up at Roxy standing in front of them.
"What is it?" She said in a low growl.
"I wanted get you guys acquainted with the new maintenance worker before obviously you need to see them." Frank said as Roxy looked at Averill and raised a brow, crouching down to their eye level.
"Do you even know what you're doing?" Roxy growled as Averill frowned a bit glaring at her.
"I know that your race cars are way to flimsy for the power behind them. And that's why they fucking shatter when you tumble or kick them." Averill crossed their arms and growled back "So back up, puppy dog. I ain't letting you bully me."
Roxy stood up and blinked as they looked at Averill, starting to laugh softly as she patted their shoulder "I like you, newbie." Roxy said as Averill smiled softly. "Maybe you could help me fix up the raceway so its more durable."
"Defiantly" Averill nodded as Roxy smiled, her tail swaying a bit.
"Well I gotta get my beauty rest, see ya later Tech." She said and went back into her room, the door shutting behind her.
Averill and Frank looked at each other, Frank looked surprised.
"What?" Averill asked as they looked at him, raising a brow at his surprised expression.
"I don't think I've ever seen Roxy take to a newbie so quickly." He said, you could hear the amazement in his voice "Especially someone who just called her race cars janky" he chuckled softly as they walked back down the row.
When they got to Monty's room, Frank looked shocked at how quiet it was. He knocked on the metal door a few times, no answer. Averill went to look through the big window to their rooms, but the curtains were closed, walking back to the door which was now open. "Frank?" Averill called and peered in seeing Frank looking around. "Holy shit what happened in here?"
"Monty's room has always looked like this." Frank said picking some stuff up. "He gets frustrated a lot. Doesn't know what to do with it, i guess."
"So he lashes out in his room" Averill said looking around "Maybe he's charging."
"Prolly. Well then I'll introduce you to Chica and then bring you to Parts and Services before i head out." Frank said as he walked out, Averill trailing behind as they followed him to Chica's room. Before Frank even got to knock, the door opened and she popped her head out excitedly.
"Hi there, new friend!" She squawked happily as Averill chuckled softly.
"How'd you know we were coming?" They asked.
"Freddy sent me a message that there was finally a maintenance hand." She chimed.
"And here I was worried you guys would be dreading my arrival." Averill chuckled softly.
"No no! Not at all, everything's been a little wonky lately, but now you can help get us all back in order! It'll be great, we'll be best of friends!" Chica said as she actually pulled Averill into her, hugging them happily. It wasn't a tight hug, but it defiantly was firm and frankly a bit startling to Averill, since they weren't expecting it.
Averill just chuckled softly, patting Chica's sides gently, "I'm glad you're so happy about it" they said as Chica pulled out of the hug and looked down at them.
"Absolutely, it's been so long since we had human workers in Parts and Services, it been a bit difficult." She said softly.
"Well, you guys tell me what's up and we'll fix it, sound good?"
"Sounds great!" Chica chirped happily.
"Sorry to cut this short guys, but i still gotta show you where you're office and stuff will be before i head out." Frank said looking up from his watch.
"Oh! Sorry, okay! Goodnight!" Chica said as she waved and went back to her room, letting Frank and Averill continue on their way to Parts and Services.
"She's sweet." Averill said as they followed Frank. "I'm amazed how much personality they all have."
"They're pretty advanced. There's a few others, but i really gotta head out." Frank said. "Craig gets all bitchy when anyones here too long past clock out." He groaned.
"He sounds like a treat." Averill said sarcastically as Frank groaned "Oh yeah you'll see him. He's suppose to be the night manager, so he's here 2 P.M. to 11 P.M. on normal days, but i guess today he just said fuck it." He rolled his eyes. "So this is parts and services. That's the protective cylinder where you normally work on the animatronics and such. There's spare parts and junk just... well everywhere. Your office is on that side of the room behind that door. Since you're the only one here, you can basically do whatever you wanna, so make yourself comfortable." Frank said and headed out. "Ill be back at 6 A.M. to open the front doors"
"Sounds good. Get home safe." Averill said as Frank smiled, waving as he left, leaving Averill to themselves. "This place is a fucking mess... I guess imma start organizing first, cant fucking work like this." Averill sighed as they started picking shit up, labeling and organizing shit so that they could at least slightly function.
Took them almost all night to get it presentable, spending the extra time to set up their employee file and then work on some side projects before they finally headed home.
They already knew that this would be absolute chaos working here.

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