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Hi guys! So, this is the very first story I have placed here on Wattpad. I have written fanfiction before, but never have I ventured into the brave, somewhat fantastical world of HnKnA! *prepares herself for tremendous battle* I got inspired for this when I was listening to Hachi’s Lynne (with Hatsune Miku) and I had always wondered why Alice never wanted to fall in love, why her ex had betrayed her (and how) and just the fact that Hachi has to be at least some form of demigod (there, I said it). Sadly, this is only the prologue, but if you review, I might be tempted to write more. Please, please review! It is how authors like us stay current with the story, not to mention the fact that reviews are always really nice.




“Alice. Alice, I’m leaving… What we did, it was a mistake… We should have never gone that far...” Warm breath was pressed against Alice’s ear, the voice full of remorse and bitterness, the love that she’d heard so much gone and replaced with something else, something dark and sinister and deadly. Alice wanted to see that person again, wanted to see him smile, but her eyes wouldn’t listen to her. She simply laid there, helpless, as a last, painstakingly long kiss was placed on her cheek, the moment burning and painful and so very bittersweet. Then the warmth was gone. She was alone, broken; frightened. A sob threatened to escape her throat, though she belligerently cut it off, the sadness too much to be communicated in something as miniscule as a sob. He was leaving and she knew, deep down, that he was never coming back.

She was alone again. And she couldn’t bare it.

“Please…” Her voice sounded small to her own ears. “Please don’t go…” Tears, much to her chagrin, fell down her cheeks, leaving a salty path of destruction in their wake. She sobbed silently, but she knew and he knew—they knew—that he was never coming back.

He was never coming back…

Like an unwelcome visitor, Alice was thrust out of her dream, landing with a graceless thump on the hard wooden floor of the infamous Clock Tower. She rubbed her sore bottom, her head feeling as though it was going to explode, before she gave a quick glance at the time. She noticed it was nearly noon—an extraordinarily late time in her book, given her upbringing and where she was currently staying. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d slept in this late.

What a way to start the day, she thought, a glare settling on her perfect little features, her nose scrunched up as though she’d smelled a vitriolic odor in the air. Standing up, she brushed the almost nonexistent dust off her person and began to remove her nightgown in favor of her bright blue dress, a small blue bow placed almost symmetrically on her head. Giving herself a quick glance in the mirror, she shook her head slightly before she slowly made her way to the common room.  

Rather, before she attempted to reach the common room. Quietly, so quiet that she’d though she’d imagined it, there was a knock at the door. “Are you all right?” It was a man’s voice, rough and caring and perpetually kind, though Alice knew that this man would never admit to such praise. It was Julius—a worried Julius, she realized—coming to check up on her.

Apparently she wasn’t the only one who was shocked at her late awakening.

Pasting on a fake smile that made her cheeks burn, she hurriedly went to open the door, trying desperately to keep her face calm and composed. He was standing there, his unusually colored bluish-black hair pulled into a low ponytail. In his hand was a clock, which Alice could only assume was one of the many hearts of the citizens of Wonderland. Being such the mortician, Alice knew she probably had interrupted him with her fall. She had interrupted his work—that’s the reason he was checking on her. She felt a slight blush creep up her neck, but with a practiced countenance that had taken years to perfect, she bullied the blush down, taking care to keep her embarrassment off her face. She would not show weakness in front of this man. Or at least, she wouldn’t, so long as she caused him trouble. Julius had enough to worry about; he hardly needed anything more.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2013 ⏰

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