PART 11- Nate

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"What are you doing here? We can't get caught," Nate whispered at me. I excused myself to the bathroom after Carla's session was over. I was in Nate and Carla's room, on top of Nate.

"We're going to be together very, very soon," I told him, knowingly. Once I killed Andrew and framed Carla for the murder, nothing was in the way between us.

"What are you talking about? Get off of me," he said, pushing me lightly.

"How would you feel about us being together? Forever," I asked him, knowing he would love the idea. I loved him so much, and I knew he loved me too. He would do anything for us to be together with no obstacles.

"I have a wife. And kids. Get off, seriously. Are you okay?" He asked me, sounding not as keen of the idea as I thought he was going to be. He actually sounded a bit angry.

"Listen, babe, I'm going to get Carla out of the picture. Don't worry. I have a foolproof plan," I stated confidently. Nothing was going to get in the way of my plan. It was pure genius. 

"What are you doing? She's my wife; I love her," Nate said, lying. I could tell he was lying. He loved me so much.

"You don't love her! You love me! Tell me you love me, Nathaniel," I shrieked, grabbing his shirt, pulling him towards me. He loved me.

"GET OFF OF ME," Nate yelled, and pushed me off of his bed.

I hit the floor with a loud thud, which was enough to get Carla up into her room wondering what the hell was happening. My head was pounding, and my vision was going out of focus. She was so close, getting closer to me. I saw her face contort into shock: her eyebrows raised, her cheeks paled, and her mouth dropped open. Judging by the gagging reflex she exhibited, she looked as if she was going to puke.

"She's wearing the earrings," I barely heard Carla say to her husband. Everything was so far away. Then very clearly she asked, "THIS IS THE BITCH?"

I felt her rip my earrings through my earlobe. I couldn't say anything; it all happened too fast. It was the most painful thing that I had ever experienced. I just felt the warm blood pooling beside my face and then a sharp pain edging its way from my ear to my head. I heard myself scream, but everything was spiraling into darkness before I could comprehend what was happening.


I saw Carla, in and out of focus, on top of me with a pillow in her hand.

 Between my ringing ears and my hazy focus, I couldn't breathe or see anything. Carla was smothering me with a pillow. I was choking, coughing, sputtering, trying to say something. Why wasn't Nate helping me? We were in love.

A/N: there's an epilogue next! What do you think is going to happen to the characters

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