Bob Ross's Death

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"NO! I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!" I scream as they drag me across my office floor.  "Ugh! Let me go!" I thrash around frantically, but I can not loosen their grip around my arms.  

"Enough!" The director's voice echos throughout the studio "You signed the contract and besides, this is the last season." 

"I was desperate, okay! I didn't even read the contract. It was this or death!" I yell back, trying to earn some sort of sympathy. 

"IT STILL IS THIS OR DEATH!" He roars back "Listen here Ross you paint this painting and I'll consider sparing you for another month." I spit in his face before getting up and walking over to the blank canvas. I look down where my paint should be but instead there is a knife. 

"What am I supposed to do with this?" I demand, trying my best to sound brave.

"You wanted to do something new, so I just wanted to fulfill your request.

"But still, what am I supposed to do?"

"You know what you have to do." The director said whilst a smile creeps up his face.

"WHAT! You are crazy! I'm not doing that!" The director pulls out a gun and aims it at me.

"You will do as I say Ross or else." I shakily grab the knife and hold it to my wrist. I bite down on my lip before slitting my wrist. I scream as blood trickles down my arm. In the background I can hear the director laughing. Fuelled by anger I whip the bloody knife at the director's head. He ducks . BANG! Everything goes black.

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