Once upon a time...
In a jungle far far away, there was a monkey. His name was Jorge. On morning he woke up to say good morning to his best friend. Bubbles the banana. But when he went to say good morning, Bubbles was nowhere to be found. Jorge looked everywhere in n his tree, on every branch. Only to discover no Bubbles. "Where's my banana?", Jorge asked himself. Jorge went around the whole jungle asking all his friends , if and even strangers, if they had seen his friend banana. But everyone said no, where was his banana? he wondered. Jorge went home, very sad from what happened. Crying, he wondered why his banana had left. He layed in bed all day, so sad he didn't even want to get up. Eventually though, Jorge got hungry, so he had to get up. And when he looked down, he realized Bubbles had been there all along.