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"I can squeeze.. My everyday schedule might be checked by my superior but after that I do whatever I want.."

"You work really hard.."


"I mean, living your life according to two person..It might be tiresome.."

"Sometimes a little..But if I kept thinking that I wouldn't able to complete my tasks or enjoy my hobbies.."

They talked about little things like fav food, movie, song, band, place etc till they could feel the hunger killing them..As it was already late for them to cook something, they ordered some delivery food..JB was quite interested in Soomin.. He was enjoying her chats and expression.. She was quite opposite of him..He is more of a quiet person who loves to sleep and relax without any hindrance and doesn't like someone bossy around to tell him what he should do.. On the other hand, Soomin was a cheerful person..She laughs a lot, has a great sense of humor which JB appreciates..But the thing that JB was mainly impressed and interested was Soomin's height.. She could only reach his bust area.. Her appearance was also small.. When she was sleeping last night, JB found her sleeping like a cat..

"By the way, I have a cat.. It is still in my apartment.. If you don't mind, can I bring him here?? I mean I'm the owner..He is more like my son.."

"We can bring him after eating.."

"Thank you, mr. Im.."

"I think after talking for hours we are friends now.. So stop calling me MR. IM.. It feels like you are calling my dad.. Call me JB from now on.."

"Are you comfortable with that??"

"I'm..But are you comfortable with us addressing each other informally??"

"I-I'm not uncomfortable.. It's better in some ways.. You can call me Soomin too.."

"If you didn't concentrated before then for your kind information I've been calling you that from yesterday.."

"Uh!! Is that so?? Oh yeah!! You were calling me before..I'm sorry for catching it slow.."

"It's okay.."

They could talk a little more but the food they ordered before was before them..They digged in and finished after a while.. After that JB took her to her room to get ready and he went his..They left for Soomin's apartment.. JB knew the way but he didn't show that.. He kept following Soomin's instructions and reached their destination..

When Soomin unlocked the door, a fat cat came running towards them..Soomin also tried to rushed but only to trip..But before she fell, JB caught her..

"Slow down..You are gonna hurt your other leg too.."

Soomin was a little embarrassed and also flustered.. But those two were not the reason behind her throbbing heart..Her heart was like about to burst.. But she controlled her emotions by giving a thanks to JB..

"Uh~ thank you, JB..It's just that I was happy to see Tintin.."


"Oh..My cat's name.. Choi Tintin.."

"Geat name..Can I hold him??" JB asked as he was trying his hard not to show any emotions on his face..His heart was also beating like he ran a marathon..

After an hour, they left with Tintin and his stuffs..He can be described as a very rich cat..What does he not have?? From bed to ipad for him to play games..

When they reached home, they caught themselves busy making a place perfect for their prince Tintin.. Though most of the works were done by Soomin as JB was busy playing with Tintin..Both of them were playing with a cat stick..Soomin smiled a little while watching them like that..But when JB caught her watching them she couldn't help but blush..This made JB stunned a little as he was emerged in that beauty before him..

Later that night they made the dinner themselves.. While eating they tried to think what they will do the next day as JB couldn't go to his office for a week and Soomin was banned..

"What should we do tomorrow??" Soomin asked while sipping her drink..

"I've nothing in my mind.."

"Me too.. It's really boring to be left without any work.."

"Maybe.. But it's not that bad..At least not today.."JB said while looking at Soomin..

"Huh!! Is that so?? Maybe I'm the odd one here.."

"I don't think.."


"It's bcz you had been spending your days working so hard like that.. That's why a little break seems so boring to you.."

"Oh!! You are really good at sorting my hurricane type thoughts!! Suddenly I felt really happy to have a friend like you.."

Hearing this, JB's heart skipped a beat..

"What do you mean?? You didn't had any friends before??"

"I-I never had time to make friends.. I had one person whom I thought was a really close person to me, but he also left me.."

"Was that your ex??"

Just after asking this question he knew he fucked up..One should never ask about someone's ex..It never is a good thing for any of the party..

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable.. It just slipped from my mouth.."

"It's okay..I'm not uncomfortable..It's just that the word ex reminds me of a really low life person and how naive I was..Gong-won was my senior in high school..He asked me out on the graduation day of his..After that we stayed in a relationship for 5 years.. There were many times when my dad used to disciple me or scold me for this relationship..But we promised each other that we won't give up on our relationship.. To be honest it was something I made with my own decision, so I didn't want to prove wrong..Last two year, we both were busy for our career..We couldn't communicate that much..It all started 1 year ago..He suddenly started to change..He started quarrelling..He used to shout over little things..I thought maybe it's bcz I never was physical with him..We utmost hugged and kissed each other..But that's also only a few times..That's when I asked him to get married..But he..Hah hah hah~~" Soomin was completely drunk by now.."That jerk told me that it's over between us..He found someone best for him when in the past he used to tell me I was the only one for him..What a liar!! No, it's not he who is a liar, it's me who is an idiot..How the hell did I thought there would be someone to love me..Hah hah hah~~ What about you?? You never had any girlfriend for real?? I mean not the ones you have now.."

JB was also drunk..He looked at Soomin who was looking at him with her eyes half open..

"I-I had one..But she cheated on me..She was a two timer.. She was with someone except me..When I asked her the reason she told me that she doesn't love me anymore.. She found her soulmate..She promised that we would get married this year..But she left.."

"That's why you don't trust women??" Soomin asked who was now sitting just in front of him..

"Hmm..Women are sly creature..They uses you when they need..Then throw away in the trash..None of them are loyal or keeps their promise.."

"Just like men.. They think women are born to be used..But listen,Beomie look here.." Soomin said cupping JB's face with her both hands.."Not all women are bad..Look for a good one for you.. You are lonely.. You need someone by your side..If you trust me ,I'll look one for you..Really beautiful, smart and loyal..Just like you want..Got it, Beomie??"

"Then you also should look one for yourself..Not all men are jerk..Find someone who will respect you and your decision and also love you..I can promise you one thing that if you find someone for me I'll find one for you.."

"Is that so?? Then on this mission.. Don't worry..If I take anything in my hand I'll obviously complete it with flying colours.. And you don't break your promise.. "

"I promise..I won't break my promise.."

"You are not as bad as I thought..You are really good, Beomie.."while saying this she fell asleep on the couch..

"You too, kitten.. You are not as annoying as I thought.. You really made me feel calm and steady..Good night.."saying this JB also fell asleep on the couch beside Soomin..

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