the beginning

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Talen stared dreamily at the sandy haired boy. He was so cute and so perfect.💗 and that Russian accent of his just made it so much better.
Talen then realized that Kiko was looking straight at him, his head tilted to the side in curiosity. The brunette felt his cheeks heat.
"Sorry," he stuttered. "I was just wondering where you got your shirt from."
Wow, that was sad, he thought to himself.

[why was he looking at me like that? do i have something on my face? wow his eyes are beautiful..] "oh um i got my shirt at um.." his brain went completely blank look at the brunette boy in front of him. "i think i got it from a thrift store," the boy said as he was getting lost in the other's eyes. the boy was snapped out of his trance when Talen asked, "do you maybe wanna walk home together?"

Mostly Talen[Jazz]:
Oh my gosh, yes! Kiko thought. Then, aloud, he answered nonchalantly, "Sure!"
After a few awkward minutes of silence, the bell rang, announcing the end of study hall.
They walked together in the hallways. A heated argument between two fifth graders was taking place, but neither boy noticed. They were both to busy thinking about what was happening. They were going to walk home together! Even as one of the tweens threw a punch at the other, all Kiko and Talen did was sneak little glances at each other.
They made it outside, and Kiko took a deep breath, absorbing the crisp autumn air.
Once again, Talen found himself gazing at the Russian. He mentally punched himself. He needed to stop looking at him like that. He wasn't gay! He had a girlfriend, for God's sake! He had asked Kiko to walk home with him because he was interested in becoming his friend, that was all.

"Are you okay?" the sandy-haired boy asked with a worried expression. The other boy looked like he was in deep thought about something. Talen snapped out of it and stared at the boy blankly. "I said are you okay?"
"Oh yeah im fine I'm just uh.. thinking about my girlfriend"
"oh." [fuck. he has a girlfriend??? that ruins my fucking chances. ofc he has a girlfriend. ofc he's straight. thats just my fucking luck. he's probably straight. great.] "I didnt know you had a girlfriend:))" the russian boy brushed it off and pushed on.
"Yeah, her name is-"
"Oh! This is me!" Kiko said, not actually wanting to hear about his competition.
"Oh- uh ok bye:)" he said with a sincere smile. Kiko felt his face heat up and turned red.
"MHM!" he said as he walked as fast as he possibly could to his apartment.

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