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QUICK NOTE: I'm dyslexic so I can't spell that well, sorry if my grammar is bad or doesn't make sense, Also sorry if anyone's name is messed up

ALSO, I WOULD LIKE TO ADD: I do requests. Message me or write in the comments what you'd like for a chapter, Kink wise, Little Space, Wholesome, Comforting ect ect, Open to all Ideas don't hold back, Although I will not do some topics like S/A and Attempts also SH is another I will not do. Or I won't go into detail about SH unless you want a wholesome chapter about it [Which I would gladly write because we all need some comfort!!]

Y/N = Your Name
POV = Point Of View
LS = Little Space


The Mental health issues are what I've experienced and if you have any of these it doesn't have to have the same backstory it can be your own also I don't mean to trigger anyone also there are no Flashbacks or anything of their backstory in the book.

Y/N is a part of the Little Space community and is a shy, anxiety-filled person

Y/N's Mental Health Issues
Separation Anxiety:
Gets very attached to something very easily and when separated from it feels like life is meaningless

Social Anxiety:
The fear of being Judge/Watched/laughed at and thinking whenever someone looks or laughs or whispers to someone it's about you

Severe depression and has to see a therapist 3 times every week because of their depression

Literally overthinks everything and ends up breaking down whenever it gets too much and it feels like their trapped in their own mind and can't escape it

PTSD also known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder:
Has a very traumatizing backstory and has a lot of things that happened when they were 3/4 and it's made them an scared person, scared to speak, scared whenever someone raises their hand, scared that everyone wants to hurt them, etc

Shigarki is your oldest brother he's 20 - 23 he has PTSD from being bullied most of his life, he suffers from flashbacks and has to see a therapist for them, although no one in the LOV knows you, Izuku and Shigarki are all siblings

Izuku is Y/N's Older Brother he is older then
Y/N by 1 or 2 years. Izuku is overprotective of his Brother Izuku is a Gay Male and is Dating "Kacchan" or Bakugo Katsuki
Kacchan bullied Izuku in middle school and called him "Deku" which means Useless and it broke Izuku, Izuku does suffer from depression and he's getting better Izuku also has PTSD because of Middle school for him

Aizawa is your Boyfriend/Husband and he's 23 so it's Legal, plus Y/N is like 19 and Aizawa raises his kids with Present Mic (Platonically) because they found the kids together and Mic takes them On the weekends so Aizawa can take them to school and get a break, Aizawa raises Shinsou and Most his class since most of 1-A has shitty parents


Nezu is your Uncle
Inko is your Mum
No Dad
All Might is afraid of you because you won a battle against him Using a demon quirk
Izuku is your older brother
Izuku × Bakugou [Not for long tho-]
Shigarki is your oldest Brother
Shiggy × Dabi
Aizawa is your Boyfriend/Partner/Husband
Midnight × Mrs Joker (Your Aunties)
Mic × Aromantic
Denki × Shinsou
Sero × Acesexaul × Aromantic
Urakak × Toga
Mina The Lesbian Mum Queen Of The Group [Single]

[Y/N thinks of these people as their family so that's why those people are there, Also yes I have updated this because I wrote this when I was like 11/12, So obviously I had come back and re do the family tree because what were some of those Ships my dudes-]

If you don't like any of those themes in this book, Don't read it and please don't leave hate comments on things, I won't go and change anything in this book and still might make a part 2 for this book but I just need people to actually want it and not just react with
"Oh another book Yay🙄" So please try to enjoy this book, a few parts are cringe and I must of been high writing them although the LS chapters are cute and my favorite :))

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