5. Goblin Elder

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Chapter 5. Goblin Elder


[You have met the requirements to evolve, do you wish to proceed?]


Surprised, Kyle glanced at it then ignored it.

'I don't know how long it would take to evolve but I'm playing with time right now'

[The evolution will only take a second, do you wish to proceed?]

'Really? Then of course yes!'

[Are you sure?]

'Yes yes yes!'

[Scanning experience points....]

[Identify experience points to their respective classes....]

[Congratulations! You have obtained 4 specialized evolutions]

[Specialized evolutions are:

- Thrower Skeleton

- Skeleton Assassin

- Fighter Skeleton

- Marksman Skeleton]

[These classes are devised by your experience points! Remember from now on that your experience points also decide your evolution path!]

[Introducing Racial Evolution]

[Racial Evolutions are:

- Giant Skeleton

- Skeleton Warrior

- Skeleton Mage

- Zombie

- Dullahan

- Mummy

- Death Soldier]


Seeing the list of evolution, Kyle surprised stopped for a second but then shook his head and run away from the place.

That second of shock gave way for a goblin to scream, so he needs to get out of the place, or else he might not be able to evolve before dying quickly.

But let's conclude their evolution first.

- Giant Skeleton, Giant?????, ????

- Skeleton Warrior, Skeleton General, Skeleton King?

- Skeleton Mage, Semi-Lich, Lich, ???

- Zombie, Ghoul, Flesh Golem, Devourer, ???

- Dullahan, Death Rider, ????

- Mummy, Mummy King, Coffin????

- Death Soldier, Death Knight, ???


Having no way of thinking what's the next evolution, and hearing the pursuing goblins only make Kyle hasty on what will he choose.

There are three paths he likes.

Giant Skeleton, Skeleton Warrior, Skeleton Mage, and Death Soldier. As for the specialized evolution, it didn't sound helpful to him.

'Giant Skeleton is interesting because I once played a game with a Giant Skeleton as the end boss but it's not a skeleton king but something called different...'

'Skeleton Warrior might have a chance for the skeleton king...'

'Skeleton mage will surely lead to the Lich path... But I don't want to be a mage since they are weak to physical attacks...'

'Death soldier.... Well, it has death to its name... So it might lead to something awesome..'


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