Chapter 13- Hazy

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The quiet sound of the vehicles engine was the only thing keeping Y\N grounded to reality. No matter how hard she tried to focus on each turn the car took it was all too confusing, especially since she didn't know the area very well. Not being able to see Y\N had to rely on her other senses that were dulled out by the shaking of her numb body and suffocating scent of cigarette smoke. She eventually gave up as minutes passed into hours. Each turn and stretch of the distances they traveled bled together. Bowing her head she huffed, drowning out the masculine voices that mumbled to one another. Her only escape was the thoughts that jumbled in her mind.

'What if Viktor isn't found for several days? He can't be killed. Right? But what if he bleeds out this time. I wish I could have gotten away from Lutz long enough to run to Viktor to at least reassure him that everything will be okay. That I won't be gone for long. Just to brush my fingers through his hair... Huh?'

Y\N lifted her head as she felt skin brush against her right thigh, upward. Wincing back she grimaced in disgust.

"Don't touch me!" She snarled, driving her right elbow into the person to her right directly in the ribs.

Hearing a grunt of alarm followed by laughter coming from her left side she realizes she hit the wrong person.

"You filthy pig!" She barked at Lutz, turning her head to Kuro with a frown. "That wasn't intended for you."

"Knock it off. We are stopping here." Luciano informed as the car came to a stop. The sound of tires on gravel being the only hint Y\N gets. "Lutz, come with me. Kuro stay with her."

"Why can't I stay back?"

Y\N may be blind folded but she knew she was being stared at like she was going to be devoured by the German man.

"You will only make things more difficult in the end." Kuro spoke up, doing his best to ignore the sharp pain still lingering in his ribs.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Lutz challenged.

Y\N heard Luciano mutter in Italian under his breath as the car door opened. "That you're a fucking idiot."

Y\N snorted and bowed her head again. "Seems we can agree on that."

Luciano glanced at where the woman sat before looking off into the distance. "We are wasting too much time already, get moving before I drag you."

With that Lutz stepped out with little protests, following the hasty Italian man.

Kuro and Y\N sat quietly in the back seat. Sitting in silence for several hours was already driving her slightly mad, having to continue to do such for much longer would definitely cause a screw to come loose. But what does she say? Would Kuro even answer her? Would she be punished for talking? She's heard stories of torture from her past colleagues. It was definitely something she was made well aware of and had to endure to a certain extent during training.

"The cherry blossoms all faded and bore fruit." Kuro's steady voice spoke up.

The nature of the statement caught her off guard. "...what are you talking about?" She whispered back.

"Mm? I noticed you eyeing the trees when you visited me last. Ah, Y\N-sama, I saved some of the cherries for you to try on your next visit. Hopefully soon.." His tone was wistful and light.

'Yearning? '

" didn't have to go and do that for me.. it's appreciated but now isn't the time.." Y\N lifted her bound wrists up to remind him of the circumstances she was put in.

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