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Taehyun frowned deeper, brows furrowed as the annoying beeping greeted him once again instead of the familiar deep voice he had been expecting to hear from the other side of the phone, someone who answered his call without even a proper greeting. But nothing of that sort came, nothing but the obnoxious ringing. Beomgyu didn't answer the phone. Again.

Taehyun clicked his tongue. Worry and anxiety pitting at the bottom of his stomach.

He inhaled a sharp breathe and leaned into his seat while pulling at the chest of his tie to loosen it, an attempt to aid his breathing and relieve his stress despite it being far from uncomfortable.

With one hand scrolling through his phone, the other swept through his hair. All the while Taehyun's frown never left his lips as he scrolled and read through his chat box with Beomgyu.

These past few weeks, Taehyun had been busy at work. most times needing him to work overtime to focus on the project he and his team were handling. But despite that he never failed to text Beomgyu back whenever the older would message. whether it was another one of his random rants about the ants eating his food, or about his one annoying professor that Beomgyu suspects holds a personal grudge against him, or whenever Beomgyu would check in just to make sure Taehyun was still breathing and alive.

Taehyun would always take the time to read his messages and reply no matter how busy he was.

Taehyun likes to think he's doing a good job balancing work life and being a good responsible boyfriend despite how heavy his workload is at the moment. But as Taehyun got nearer and nearer to their most recent exchange, Beomgyu's text messages have gotten noticeably shorter.

one specific day caught his attention. Their only text messages of that day was a good morning and nothing else. That never happened before, it was Beomgyu we were talking about. That boy will spout anything and everything on his mind without any hesitation at any given time.

He's not just overthinking is he?

Taehyun noticed that it was now him messaging first and asking Beomgyu for any updates about him when it was Beomgyu who always messaged first. Beomgyu never missed to say good morning but it was now suddenly Taehyun who was asking what Beomgyu was doing, If he was busy, or if he had eaten.

And now Taehyun felt more anxious when he observed the time it took for Beomgyu. It had been increasing from an hour to three, sometimes even half a day. Just like yesterday and today —Beomgyu wasn't responding.

[ 8 days ago 7:37 am]

gyu: good morning

take care at work!

dont forget to eat

heres a selfie to bless you with my godly face<3

(pretty boy gyu sent a pic)

i miss you, love.

tyun: good morning, love.

i miss you too.

sorry i didnt answer the phone last night.

[ 8: 39 am ]

gyu: its okay, you must have been tired.

i'll call later

[ 12: 58 ]

tyun: did you eat lunch?

[ 2:06 ]

gyu: yup!

theres a cat here

tyun: ?

did you get a cat?

gyu: no lol

its a stray

wanna see?

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