[ Roles changes but how long? ]

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JM: late again aren't we, Min?

YG: I-I'm sorry...S-Sir..the last paper kept me away...

JM: This is not the first time you said that, Min.

YG: I-I'm sorry,.s-sir...it won't happen again...

JM: that's the 6th time in this month, Min. I don't know if you keep this up, I'm afraid I have to fire you.

YG : *gasp but keeps his head low*

*small footsteps appear and the door opens*

Appa! Are you again being mean to papa!

JM: darling, it's my job.

No! You can't be a meanie to papa! Papa! Come on! Leesss go!

YG: should I?

JM: don't you dare ignore our kid, Min!

YG: Okay, then. I will see you at home, Mr.Min.

JM : *blushes*


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