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" only way to save...

"Don't you dare you zehwa!!"
A boy with shadow covering half of his body  dashed  towards the lad

" actually gonna listen to you "
He give him sinister smile before  dasheing towards him as he loosened his grip on a glowing yellow device and throwed it at him and said

"Rewind time"


"asuku wake the hell up your gonna be late for school!" a woman who appears to in her late 30's yelled at her sleeping son
"w-wait im late for school"  " ah clam-" he quickly woke up from his bed and ran off to the  bathroom downstairs while he was saying something in a inaudible voice

"Mom!Why dint you wake me up earlier" he said while brushing his teeth "why are you making so much nosie "his younger brother, kosho said in a arrittied tone while coming down from the stairs "what do you mean 'why are you making so much nosie'pah!its 9:30 and your still in your pajamas"he half-yelled at him thinking that he's going aruge with him but all he received from him was just a blank look "its sunday" asuku looked at his mother who was there the whole time watching the scene  unfold with her eyes

"uh..i told you that to wake you up i tired to tell you that i was kidding hehe" 

"But is that the only thing you  can do to wake me could just pour some water on me I'll wake up"

"Yeah if she did do that your going talk about it for the rest of the year"

"You dont known that it dint happen "he crossed his arms

     " im your bro i know it all "

both of them went to sit down for breakfast
"who wants pancakes!" She put their breakfast on the tabels "well i definitely want it"

"Don't you dare you zhewa!"

'Why do i feel like i forgot about something?'  he thought in his mind
"Asuku are you alright  you aren't eating your pancakes" "yeah if you don't want it than you can just  give it to me" asuku snapped out of his thoughts "what no im fine just i think i forget about something...."he said than stared eating his pancake "who kowns you probably did"his mother said while putting her shoe on; looks shes about to go outside "wait you aren't eating  " kuso asked with mouth filled with pancakes "i already ate and don't you talk while eating" she pointed her finger "yeah yeah" she signed "don't forget to go to your masters dint he said that something important is happening?"
"Hm ah yeah he did and sure we remember "(asuku)"mhm"(kusho)
"Well i have to  work now bye kids!" she gave a close-eyed smile to them while waveing"bye mom" they both said in intostionwhile also waveing to her


After sometime they got ready to train
Kuso wore a grey shirt underneath was a dark red shirt his pants had the same colour and a white scarf

akusu on the other hand wore a fancy brown coat,deep blue shirt he also had the same scarf but it is black in colour


ASUKU:Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now