villiains pov

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.1 michael queen  pov Hi I am Michael queen son of evil queen and my little sister of Raven queen my destiny be next evil queen like my sister and I want dark woods to training and stuff about my magic and I am evil queen of apple white story and I will put her sleep forever in future and stuff I will go see my sister in her dream or start ever after high this year get pack and my spells books in my backpack and rdy for ever after high here I come And see my lost sister and my mom i hope they miss me and i put my sister sleep in future and end her and i am in love with cupid queen and she my future evil queen and i will kill them then we will rule the fairy tale worlds and be queens and kings fairy tale worlds and i hate evil queen and my mom she forgot about me and snow white is my aunt she forgot me too and she queen of fairy tale worlds i hate it yep time for villiains have happy ever after 💖👑💖🔥😈

1 michael queen  pov Hi I am Michael queen son of evil queen and my little sister of Raven queen my destiny be next evil queen like my sister and I want dark woods to training and stuff about my magic and I am evil queen of apple white story and  ...

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this why cupid is jealous of reven she got dexter and she is so good and she want Dexter charming and she want evil queen her mom not revens in this story and in song of queen of mean 💖👑💖🔥😈

.2 cupid queen pov hi i am cupid queen and i am daughter of eros and my destiny next Cupid of love and in this story the evil queen form if you want to know form auther queen Anna and i am evil queen in apple white  story and i will end her one and all no more reven i am so evil and mad she got dexter chaming and i am in love michael queen he my future evil king and dexter chaming he will be mine and i put apple enchanted sleep and forever after and end her ever after her story will end and raven will be so sad and stuff and i am so evil and i will kill them and then we will rule the fairy tale worlds and be queens and kings fairy tale worlds and i hate evil queen she is raven mother and i wish she was my mother and Snow White she is apple mother and she is queen of fairy tale world i hate it and yep time for villiains have happy ever after and no way we are losing and we will rule the world and i will be villiain and i will end the hero's villiain time to win and no more love in world 💖🔥👑😈💜

2 cupid queen  pov hi i am cupid queen and i am daughter of eros and my destiny next Cupid of love and in this story the evil queen form if you want to know form auther queen Anna and i am evil queen in apple white  story and i will end her one an...

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