The new survivor

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Aesop Carl or also name as Embalmer. His skill can emblam his teammates or himself. He usually been participate in any match to help his friends and sometimes he sacrifice himself but not a match with Eli. Eli usually be the one he sacrifice. He won't let Aesop leave behind. Aesop and Eli just finish their match and went to see the others. Aesop was wearing a new clothes call Hamlet. His hair is blond and he's clothes is beautiful yet very suitable for him.

 His hair is blond and he's clothes is beautiful yet very suitable for him

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As the two friends reach the living room. The room suddenly went noisy. Everyone was talking yet some of them was shock at the same time.

Eli: *poke Naib's shoulder* Naib what's all the commotion?

Naib:urghh look what the host sent us..

Eli:huh? Little girl? Don't tell me she join us

Emily: I'm afraid so Eli. The host say she will joining us and help us in the match

Eli:the heck. He's so young.

Aesop:Eli I want to go to the kitchen. I need something to drink to calm my mind

Eli: yeah sure go on. You have a rough match

Aesop:thanks *went to the kitchen*


The little girl look at Aesop walk into the kitchen. Little girl slowly follow him and hide behind the chair since she small and Aesop will not see him. Aesop was making some hot chocolate for him and everyone else. He also made some for Little girl in a small mug and put some marshmallow in it. As he done making, he put all the mug on the table on each place that his friends sit. Suddenly he say her. She was looking at him. Aesop was a bit anxious. "D-Do you want some hot cocoa?" He ask. The girl walk to him and take the small mug from him. Aesop went out of the kitchen and call his friends to have their drink.

Emily: that's very nice of you Aesop.

Emma:its so delicious!!

Naib: thanks man

Aesop:no problem. *drink his hot cocoa*

Little girl:...

Martha:hey, what's the matter?

Emily: are you okay? Are you sick?

Little girl: *shook her head*

The young girl put the mug down at the table and walk towards Aesop. Aesop look at her with a confused face. "What's the matter? You want some more?". The girl didn't respond his questions. She look at him. "Mama...". Everyone in the dining was shock and some of them choke. Aesop face was tomato because he's shock hearing she call him mama. "W-Wait I'm not your mother. I'm a boy-". Aesop can't finish his sentence because the girl hug him. Aesop blush even more.

Naib: *cough* what the heck? Is this your daughter?

Aesop: I never married okay?!

Emily: *look back at the letter* it say here she came to the manor to find her lost mother. The last time they located the mother was in the manor.

Vera:in other words she came here to find her mother during the match with us.

Emma:but why she call Aesop mama?

Eli:I guess I know why. Look at Aesop's Hamlet skin. His hair is blond same like the little girl. So I guess she misunderstand that Aesop was her mother. Hey Aesop mind letting your haid done

Aesop: N-No and Never

Little girl: *climb up to him and undo his hair*

Aesop:w-wait! Oh dear.

Little girl: hehe *hug him around the neck*

Aesop:ermm... *hug her* mind tell me where's her room?

Emily:ouh her room is next to Eli's room

Aesop:ouh okay then. I have to go now. Bye.0pl


Aesop bring the little girl to the her room. She was fast asleep. Aesop slowly put her in her bed. He tuck her in and walk out if the room. He shock seeing Eli leaning on the wall smirking at him. Aesop just look at him. "Why are you smirking?". Eli walk up to him and hold his waist making him shock. "You know what? You really good been a mom to her actually," said Eli. Aesop blush and quickly push him away. He walk into his room and slam the door. Eli just giggle. He love teasing him. He then walk to his room.

At the middle of the night while Aesop sleeping, someone enter the room. The person slowly climb up to the bed and sleep beside Aesop. Aesop felt something behind him. He slowly get up. He notice that the little girl enter the room. He also notice that there's tear stain on her cheek. She must have a nightmare. Aesop slowly get up from bed and close the door. He then climb up the bed and hug the girl. The young girl smile in her sleep. Aesop was relief. He then went back to sleep.

Identity V (EliAesop) ~Mama Aesop~ Where stories live. Discover now