Another Chance?

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Aesop was in his room. He was reading a book near the window when suddenly Brooke came and perch on the window. Aesop look at her. He pat hee head. Brooke then fly and sat on Aesop's book. She then rest on Aesop's belly. Aesop smile. "How's Eli Brooke?". Brooke look at him with concern face. Aesop notice it. "Hey, mind you unlock the door for me. I'm gonna see him also please alarm me if someone looking for me. You understand right?"say Aesop. Brooke hoot at him. She fly out. Aesop slowly get up and wears a jacket that Naib gave to him. He put on his hoodie. He look himself at the mirror. "Now...I really am look like Naib...".

Aesop slowly walk out from his room. He then enter Eli's room. As he enter, the room was a wreck! Lots of bird feathers all over the place. Aesop close the door and put down his hoodie. He look at the single sofa that was facing the window. On it was Eli. Aesop notice that he wears his Night Owl skin. Brooke was on the window. She hoot. Eli nod his head. Aesop walk towards him. "Eli...are you okay?". Eli put his hand on Aesop's waist and slowly pushing him to go in front of him. Aesop was a bit confused but he just let him. Eli look at his belly. He pull Aesop a bit closer. He then kiss his belly. Aesop just look at him.

Eli: dear child...such a fragile little one.

Aesop: Eli...

Eli: my dear... *look at Aesop* would you give me another chance?

Aesop: another chance?

Eli: yes *get up* I know I had say...bad things towards you in the last 2 week...I guess... I'm sorry I...I was mad...I was so mad at Vera and I... realise all my anger to you...I... I'm sorry...I... I'm scared to lose you...


Eli: so please...I wanna make up to you. I promise I won't hurt you or I- I won't say anything bad to you like before...I... *look at Aesop*

Aesop: hiks...hiks... I'm sorry...hiks... I'm sorry...I was the one to blame!! I didn't listen to you and I was jealous! I also scared to lose you like before but! jealousy...

Eli: no dear... You should be jealous. Who wants your boyfriend with someone else right dear?

Aesop: hiks...hiks...huaaa... *cry even more*

Eli: *hug him* there,there don't cry.

Aesop: hiks...hiks...

??: What are you doing in this freak room Aesop-kun?

Aesop: *look at the door* Naib?!

Naib: didn't I tell you to not see this freak again

Eli: I'm not a freak

Aesop: Naib, he already regret it so please- why are you laughing?!

Naib: *show an earphone* I heard all about it thanks to the small mic that Luca invent it and also it was in my jacket the whole time.

Aesop: what?! *look at the pocket* eh? *took it out* it is!!

Naib: Eli...

Eli: what?

Naib: kept your promise...if not...I will end you. This is not a theatre...its my finally warning... *walk out*

Aesop: finally warning? Eli what did you- Eli?

Eli: its nothing dear. Just don't listen to that old man saying. Now you should sit on the bed with me.

Aesop: okay~ *sat on the bed* Eli, would you mind if I ask you something?

Eli: sure dear what is it

Aesop: why come there's so many feathers in your room? Is it from your angel wings?

Eli: well...its from this clothes.

Aesop: are the Night Owl is alive

Eli: kinda but you can say that cause every time I felt sad. It somehow shed feathers instead of tears

Aesop: ouh...

Eli: *smile* will you repair my feathers my dear

Aesop: if course. I try my best to be better person

Eli: you are the best person for everyone my dear

Aesop: ehehe thank you

Eli: welcome dear.

The two couple went downstairs. As they reach the living room, Luca quickly pull Aesop's hand and bring him away from Eli. Eli sigh. Not most of them still trusted him. He watch Luca bring Aesop outside. Eli follow them. "Luca kun, where's Memory? Its been 2 weeks I didn't see her," ask Aesop. Luca smile. "The host take care if her for now on. He wants you to rest. Since you are pregnant so the host want you fully rest,". Aesop nod his head. He thought he would show Memory his pregnancy. Aesop sat near the yellow rose garden with Luca, Andrew, Victor and Edgar. Naib have a match so he ask them to watch over Aesop.

Luca: say Aesop...why you forgive him?

Aesop: wait don't tell me you hear to?

Luca: of course! I invented it so I also need to know its working or not. Answer my question Aesop

Aesop: when I look at him, he really regret for what he had done. I guess we should give him another chance.

Edgar: if I were you, I would dump that guy. Grrr I'm pissed with him!

Aesop: well I'm not you so yeah owo

Edgar: humph!

Aesop: say...Naib walk in when I'm with Eli...he say that this is his final warning to Eli. Did Eli do something making Naib more angry towards him?

Luca: well its a lot and yeah some of them he was trying to tease you. That's why Naib was furious when he kept teasing you before. He kept on warning to Eli but Eli won't listen to him. Now Eli have to listen or else he can't take care or get close to you.

Aesop: I understand why Naib kept looking around the place before I walk into a room

Andrew: well he is over protective towards you

Aesop: yeah your right. *Look at Victor who was sleeping with his head on his lap* wait where's Wick?

Luca: Wick injured. He's sleeping in Victor's room.

Aesop: poor thing...Ermmm

Andrew: what's the matter?

Aesop: I'm hungry...

Edgar: let me take a look at the kitchen

Aesop: no...I wanna cook. Suddenly I felt like I want go cook

Luca: sure. We company you

Aesop: okay let's go~

Identity V (EliAesop) ~Mama Aesop~ Where stories live. Discover now