Prologue-The Prince Silent Tears

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A mother gave birth to her newest son, but she quickly grew I'll and took her last breath

The 4 quickly mourn, but not together

The father named Philza drowned himself in work

The Oldest named Technoblade fought guard after guard

The 2nd Oldest named Wilbur just made potions potent enough to kill a whole garden

Meanwhile, the newest addition named Theseus by the Oldest was raised by a Knight named Puffy who the baby mistakenly thought the knight was his mother

Years later and Theseus grew from a baby to a kid at 9 years old he found out that Puffy was not his mother and that his mother was deceased and that his father never bothered to see him

In turn, the youngest tried talking to his father and brothers only to be shut down every time

"I just don't understand what I did wrong, Puffy," Theseus asked the knight

"They just don't see you as you when they look at you, they see a mother who left them, Prince Theseus," Puffy said noticing how the prince looks uncomfortable

"Can you not call me Theseus? It's too formal, and I prefer something a bit more normal" Theseus asked the guard just nodded.

"So what do I call you my prince," Puffy asked seeing the prince gave some thought until he spoke

"Tommy," Prince Tommy said

More years have passed And the father now spends his time with his oldest sons and never would he let Tommy join him in anything

"Father m-" Tommy spoke but got interrupted

"Shut up Theseus I am busy with your brother's future as they have skills you don't have you cannot do anything useless child," The king said leaving the room and going to his office

Tommy was not depressed as he always had Puffy to talk to, but soon she was soon asked to leave and retire from her knighthood

"I'll miss you Puffy," Tommy said, hugging his Friend (Mother) close

"I'll miss you too Toms," Puffy said hugging Tommy as tight as she can and later left making Tommy alone for the very first time

More years passed, soon the prince 14 with a new guard named Ranboo

He and Tommy were friends until Ranboo started showing up less despite being his assigned guard

Only soon does he realize his brother Technoblade has taken interest in Ranboo and reassigned him to be his personal guard instead

Tommy has enough of being ignored so he spoke

"Father, what is the meaning of this!" Tommy spoke to his Father.

"Theseus not now i-" The king got interrupted

"Busy, busy with what I'm also your son why do you ignore me why do you all have to ignore my opinions as well, why can't you just look at me!" Tommy spoke, making the king turn to the youngest, but he didn't stare at his eyes he stared at his hair.

"Theseus is this about Ranboo Techno has just taken interest in him because he is more important than your silly childish demeanor gods I wish you were simply not my son" The king spoke making Tommy break inside the king was about to go to his office until

"If you go into that office I will leave this castle and never come back" Tommy spoke hoping for his father to have a shred of care, but he didn't and went inside

Tommy fully convinced himself that was it and left a note in his room and left the castle by the front gate, not even the guards cared about him leaving

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