~☆ Chapter 4☆~ Hashira Test

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There going to be a new Harem member Female Giyu and now the secret Chapter is going to apper Dering the Hashira Test

Thought:^Hm that sus^
Telepahy:'Get me His Head'
Demon Tone:"You almost made me go 20%"

Timeskip after One Year

We see Y/n in his room with all the Weapons he have Doma Battle Fan with Sharps edge that can cut Metals with ease, kokushibo Blade that can Tranform and Cut Thow buildings with One Slash, Dante Devil blade, Sparda Blade, Vergil Yamuto, and all Weapons that Vergil snd Dante get in DMC 1 - 5  Y/n pick up Sparda and Put it on his Side and it tranform into a Kanata Version of it original form and Y/n Put the Rest of the weapons away (Y/n can summon the weapons he want and he have Meomery of the Abilites) and then he sees Malaysia standing infront of the door with the Upper Moons and Y/n had a Confuss Face and said "Is there something wrong" "Um there a Seems like someone hired a Demon Slayer to kill you even thow you have the most strongest powers and can kill people with a soft side punch" Kokushibo Said then Doma said "I found the Spider Mountians but they are going to wake up in 2 weeks and I'll tell you if they  are wake but do se take the Mother and Sister Spier why" Doma said then Y/n said "They have a Bloodline where there wires are Poisones even to demons and The sister and Mother have more contral in the Posion to where they can spread in everywhere if they use it Corectly" Y/n said to them then he Kiss them on the head and Walk to The Hashira Test Place

Timeskip to Hashira Testing Place

"Welcome Everyone I hope your ready For The Test and it will Take 45 mins from now and Will see you after the test is down" The Girl in Purple said to Them and they went to do there Test And we see Y/n, Nezuko, and Tanjiô trying to find there Demon the list said for them to kill and Nezuko sees Her target and Killed it and and then Tanjirô but then Y/n see his but Then someone shot ballets at him and then Spin his Sparda sword in the Circle and flong the Ballets at his demon target and Killed it and then Y/n dissappered Next to the girl and she is shock how fast he is then she point her gun at him but found out that hus sword is point to her Neck "Ha Nice trick do you do partys" She said "No I just killed and Rule and who are you" Y/n said to her "My name is Nova and im here to kill you for 500,000 Yen" And then  Y/n said "Really 500,000 Yen i can give you 10,000,000 yen but whatever im leaving" then Y/n was going back to Nezuko and Tanjirô then Nova said "wait 10,000,000 Yen that way higher then the guy said how about this we talk after this ok" Nova said then Y/n just nodded then Disappered with a Black Flash to Nezuko and Tanjirô and they Killed all the Demons they were to Surpose to kill and now the time was over and now they were going to Chose there Metal Alloy "Now that you pass Please choose the Blade Metal Alloy you want or Unless you have a Family sqord you want to keep" The girl in white said "Now you will be Getting your Helper Bird" the Girl said In purple then 4 Revans 1 Eagle and a Moon Dove appered and Landed on there person they need to be with and they Look and See Y/n have the Eagle and Nezuko have the Moon Dove the Boy in putple is Jealous that someone has a Better one then him he was going to chrage at the girl in purple Untill Killer Intanr hits him and made him scared like his seeing Death then he toke his things and his Revan and left then Y/n Got his Eagle and Go to His Castle with him will nezuko and Tanjirô came with him then Y/n sees Nova right behind them then when they Teloport so did Nova with them

Sence Change to Y/n Castle

"Ok Nezuko and Tanjirô your rooms are next to eachother and my room is one block down ok" then Nezuko ask "Um who is she and why does she give a Hybrid feel like me" and that shock Y/n when he heard that then he Look at Nova and said "Follow me" and he Walk to his Thorne room and sit on it and said "Upper Moons" then they all appered and Bow and they ask "Whos the girl she has Demon blood in her but like 50% of her blood" then Nova said "My Dad was Full Demon will my mom is half but they give me these weapons and im the only Born" "Ok but now who Hired you to kill me" Y/n said to nova and she said "his name was Yoriichi" and When Y/n heard his name His eyes went Slint and his tone change and said "Yoriichi you mean my Old best Friend HIRED YOU" and Everyone got Scared and they were Bowing in fear will Nova frist time in her life she is scared out of Anything she face Strongest Demons and he this guy Scaring her like it nothing "Im going to say this once What is his Reason" then Nova said " He said his Been a Pest On my side for to long" Then Y/n calm down and said " Doma, Kokushibo you will be coming with me when we leave to find the Spider Mom and sister and Nova i will pay you but the money is on the Table if you want it now" Then Nova thought for alittle and thenshe said "I take the money when i need it i just want to now is What are you" then Y/n Fallen Angel wings appered and He stand Up "My name is Y/n and i'm your friendly Demon king" and that Shocked Nova she was trying to kill a guy who is A DEMON KING and he have Fallen Angel wings even thow it made him more Handsomer and Nova and all Upper Moons blush at that then Y/n fold his wings back and said "So your sticking around Nova or you still have to call your Friend to tell them What happened" Then nova said she will stick around for the fun

That it for this Chapter and the Next one is Hello there Spider sister and Mother and the Secret girl is Female Nero and her name is Nova

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