❥ three

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YOU were awaken by some sound of the door closed. you guessed it was taigo since he said he couldn't come last night. by that tought you couldn't sleep anymore, so you went to the bathroom to get freshed up yo start a new day. your motto was 'new day, new luck'. that's how your life went.

You went to the living room. and saw his angry yet annoyed look on his face. you wondered why he was so pissed off.  you then asked out of the sudden

"where were you last night?"

"I told you I had a important thing to do at work."

"you weren't at work, stop lying!"

"Why'd you think that?"

"I know exactly what you were doing."

"and? what was I doing?"

"you were fucking other girls."

"awh, are you mad?"

"hm, now just hear me out I'm not gonna repeat myself."


"I'm gonna break up with you and your gonna leave my house, pack your things your not gonna stay here today and never ever again."

"you think I'm gonna cry now or what? okay I'll go. I actually wanted to break it off but fine yeah. and by the way I fucking cheated on you with over ten womans, hahah."

"okay I do not care now, pack and leave I don't wanna see your face."

"fine,fine whatever."

finnaly I don't have to pay his stuff. it feels like I'm free. I can do anything nobody would stop me. I can actually kill him right now can't I? so I guess let's kill him. you thought with a sadistic smile plastered on your face.
hm I've got a brilliant idea! sounds like a plan, yeah. once he packed his stuff I am gonna ask him. you quickly shoved a knife in your pocket.

He came down with a suitcase. you were now walking up to him opening your mouth to speak.

"hey taigo, I've gotta ask you something okay?" you asked with innocenly smile.

"What do you want Bitch?" he said with a annoyed tone.

"now don't be so rude! can you come with me, one last time somewhere, quick?" you asked.

"uh I guess?" he said.

"okay perfect!" you smiled.

I grasped his arm and dragged him out of the house. I led him to a ocean. once we reached the ocean I turned myself to face him.

"I'm sorry." you smile changed into a sadistic one and your eye colour slowly changed light red, cause red and brown are quite similar.  (pretend you have brown eyes.)
his eyes widen as he sad your hand in your pocket slowly came out.

"no! you aren't gonna do that are you?" he asked light scared.

"ah I see. aren't you gonna apologise, for your behaviour?" you questioned glaring at him. for him it felt like you were stabbing his eyes out.

"now, now~ don't be scared. tell me, how many girls did you cheat on me with." you kept glaring at him.

"I think more than seven, hm. lower than twenty." he answered honestly.

Your smile went only wider. it looked very scary to him.

"say, why are you smiling like a fricking psycho? I tought you'd be sad if you knew that." he complained.

" I'm gonna tell you why, listen carefully. you. are. gonna. die. now."
You told him making sure to clear every sir you've said. he sulked, he'd never except that from you being such a psychopath.

"n-now?" he asked with a shocked expression.

"I told ya!" you chuckled.

You held that knife in your hand. you started stroking it, glaring at him to see his reaction. he did just froze. how badly did he wanna run away and call the cops? really badly! , he wanted that, but he couldn't move.  it was like only you could control him.
You came near his face with the knife and left a cut on his neck and cheek.

"please stop, I'll do anything! please just stop, please!" he begged

"hm, anything you said?"

"Yeah everything you want but please I don't wanna die!" he yelled.

"hm fine, your gonna give me a ten million dollar, you have 2 days time cause I'm really nice."

yep I'd love to see him struggling getting money. I mean how'd he even get that amount of money? he could never. anyways I'm gonna exactly kill him here next time, no doubt on

 anyways I'm gonna exactly kill him here next time, no doubt on that

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word count 773

what do you think will happen? do you think he'll get that amount of money? stay tuned! don't forget to vote if you like the story:)

bye babes!<3

your author-chan 😫👋🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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