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Himawari laughed  when Boruto said his name so shy and Boruto got angry "what was that for?!?" He shouted rasing his fist. "You sounded so shy!" Himawari said bring her hands in front of her. "SO?" He shouted and his jougan actavaited. He stares at Himawari then covered his eye. "Gya..." boruto said and hima ran to help him. She held his back and helped him up. As hima was touching him her byakugan actavaited. "What-" Himawari said as the veins around her eyes appeared. "MOM!" yelled Hima and ran out dragging Boruto. "MOM!" Hima yelled as she made her what to her dads office. Hinata opened the door as Hinata got outside it and Himawari grunted. As Boruto held onto her tightly. Himawari looked at her mom her byakugan activated and looked at Boruto. "Somethings wrong with Nii chan!" She said and Hinata lifted him up. As Hinata touched him her byakugan activated. "What the..." she said and Boruto fussed. Eyes still closed he turned his head to Sarada. "Sis-sy I wan-t to g-o Ho-m-e" Hinata wacthed Himawaris byakugan deactivate and placed Boruto down trust him to get to Sarada and Mitsuki. He got to Sarada after a few steps and held onto her jacket. "Sissy! Brother! Let's go home!" Boruto said as he felt around for Mitsukis sleve. Saradas sharingan activated "lord seventh get your son." She said and Naruto picked him up as everyone in the room with a dojutsu had it activated after touching him. "What did you do?" He questioned the child bashing. "HOME!" Boruto squirmed before opening his eyes and the jougan activated opened a space time portal big enough for him. He fell into it and Naruto panicked "what the hell happened to my kid?!" He said as he saw  portals open behind Sarada and Mitsuki "Sar-" he was cut off as they were sucked into the portal.

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