I love you

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Ash:,, you wanna be my girlfriend?,,

,, of course!,,

He kissed me and then stared at me. I was so happy finally after all these confusing things after all these bad things that happened It felt like a dream which won't end. But then Fezco walked in.

Fez:,, yo what's going on ?,,

Then Ashtray ran to fez and hugged him.

Ash:,, yo we're together now!,,

Fez:,, no wayyyy!!,,

I didn't know what was going on and then ash hugged me first I thought it was a bet but the I knew he was just happy about it and so was I.


Fez:,, yo I'm heading to bed... and you should too kid.,,

I nod and then fez walked in his room and closed the door. I wanted to say good night to Ash and sleeping on the sofa.

Ash:,, yo... sleep in my bed... with me... of course only If you want to.,,

,, yeah I'd love to.,,

I got in his bed and then he got in it too. He covered me up and then layed in front of me and just stared at me.

Ash:,, I love you.,,

,, I love you too.,,

He gave me a kiss on the forehead and then we went to sleep. I cuddled into his chest. I really loved that idiot.

The next morning I woke up I was excited to wake up against Ashtray but he wasn't there. I sat up and looked for him. He wasn't in the bath or in the living room. But then I found him in the kitchen doing fucking breakfast. I never would've thought he'd do breakfast.

,, what're you doing ?,,

Ash:,, I'm doing breakfast.,,

He hugged me from the back while I stared at the eggs I was still tired.

,, but it's so early... can't we just go back into bed and cuddle for a bit ?,,

Ash:,, no... I mean yes of course but first you gotta eat something... you're Ed is getting worse Y/n..,,

,, what Ed ? I don't have a Ed ? I'm just not hungry.,,

Ash:,, but sometimes you don't eat for days that can't be healthy babe.,,

,, you'd be happy If I eat breakfast?,,

Ash:,, yeah.,,

,, fine and we'll cuddle after eating ?,,

Ash:,, if you want to?,,

,, alright then.,,

I sat down to the table. Ash handed me a plate with eggs bacon and a toast with butter. Then fezco walked in.

Fez:,, yo what smelling so you ?,,

Ash:,, I made breakfast you want some ?,,

Fez:,, you ain't gotta ask me twice bro.,,

He took a plate and sat next to me.

Fez:,, yo Lexi is coming over today so please stay in ash's room... like that would be nice.,,

Ash:,, bro why the fuck would-,,

,,yeah it's completely fine... I'm happy for you fez... lexi and you are really cute together.,,

Fez:,, thank you Y/n.,,

I smiled at him and then we all ate. It took me long to eat because I didn't know why but it was so hard to chew and swallow I wanted to throw everything up again. I mean like maybe ash is right. Maybe I have an eating disorder. Well after we all finished I cleaned the plates and then took Ash's hand. I took him to his room.

,, why did you had to be rude to fez?,,

Ash:,, what? I just wanted ti say why the fuck would I stay in my room for his bitch-,,

I punched him in his stomach easily.

,, don't be a dickhead Ash.,,

Ash:,, I'm just saying the truth.,,

,, shut up tuff guy.,,

Ash:,, hey don't call me that.,,

,, or what ?,,

Ash:,, or what?,,

He pushed me on his bed and began to tickle me.

,, ash... stoppp... Ash that's not funny.,,

He didn't stopped but I pushed him away easily then he was at the top of me and then we just stared at each other. He kissed me I love his kisses...

,, Ash ?,,

Ash:,, yeah?,,

,, can we cuddle now?,,

Ash:,, of course.,,

He smiled at me and layed next to me. He put his arm around my waist and I put my head on his chest. He scratched my head and I felt asleep. A few moments later I woke up still cuddled into his chest.

Ash:,, oh you're awake.,,

,, yeah.,,

I looked on my phone and saw a call from unknown. Who the fuck is that ? But it wasn't just 1 call it were 38 missed calls. I was worried because this shit was scary as hell. I sat up and looked on my phone with a worried look on my face.

Ash:,, love... what's wrong ?,,

,, Ash... a unknown number called me 38 times.,,

Ash:,, what the hell.,,

He got up and knees infront of me.

Ash:,, don't worry okey ? I'll protect you... always.,,

,, I think I'm calling the number back.,,

Ash:,, you sure ? I could pick up the phone for you.,,

,, no it's fine I'll-,,

And then my phone rang it was the unknown number again. This time I picked up

I really hope you enjoy the story 💗

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