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So i changed Y/n's illness to lung cancer, just easier to write. Oh and I'm sorry if you in some way find what I'm writing to be insensitive to the very serious illness.

"Here you don't age physically." He explains. you stare at your feet, unsure of how to feel about this situation. "My age might not be effected, but won't I still be dead in a year?" You ask to make sense of this situation. "My darling Y/n, have you not noticed? You haven't coughed consistently, neither coughed up any blood yet?"He chuckles, completely changing his concerned tone into one of mockery and amusement.

 He was right. 

For something that happened at least twice every hour had not happened since you arrived here. It could be a coincident.  He walks to you and takes hold of your chin softly turning your gaze to his. "Y/n.. stay here with me and have the life you desire to live." his voice low and gentle. You feel yourself get lost into his mismatched eye's not only did they differ in colour, his pupils were different sizes as well, they are truly mesmerizing. You snap back to reality and bring your gaze back to your scuffed up shoes. 

This is nonsense! It has to be. Someone as cruel as the Goblin king could easily lie about such things to try and manipulate you. Your previous confused expression contorts into a disgusted scowl. You whip your head to meet his eyes once more. Angrily you push him away. Caught off guard he stumbles back a step or two. He looks at you confused. 

"Do you think I'm stupid enough to fall for you lies!?" You ask, not waiting for an answer you swing yourself around and stomp away. "Y/n" he grabs your shoulder. You rip his hand off of your shoulder. "Listen goblin king or whatever you are!I-"

"Jareth.." He cuts you off. "Oh.u-uhm, well Jareth. I don't want to listen to your lies any longer. So leave me alone!" You say running  into the direction the labyrinth is leading you. 


You run until you come to two paths, you had to chose left or right. "Great, just what i needed" You say out loud. after a few minutes of thinking you decide to go left, like your mother always said "when in doubt go left." There was no reason for this to be true, and whenever you used it get even more lost than you were before. But this is the labyrinth nothing here makes sense.  

The walls soon turned into tall hedges reminding you of when Alice from "Alice in wonderland" helped the card guards paint the queen of heart's roses red. You seriously doubted you'd have to help paint roses an any point in this adventure though.

You feel lost, and now you regret your decision. You hear voices coming from around the corner. Carefully you walk to the corner on the hedge and see Sarah! Filled with glee you run to your dear friend. "Sarah!" You exclaim and hug her. 

"Y/n? I was so worried about you!" She cries and hugs you back. "Jareth won't be happy bout this." the guard on top whispers to the guard next to him. You turn your attention to them."What was that?" you ask curious.

"NOTHING!" All four guards answer.  "Alright, not suspicious at all." You say letting go of Sarah and walking to the guards. "Sarah where do these doors lead?" You ask.

"One leads to the castle and the other to death apparently" She answers. You walk up to the guards. "So which one goes where?" you turn to her. "I don't know, he said one of them always lies and the other always tells the truth, but we can only ask one of them." She explains frustrated, pointing at the blue guard on the right." 

You turn to the guards. "Seems simple enough." you walk up to the red guard with confidence. "Is that shield blue?" You ask pointing at the guard on the right with the blue shield. He stares at the the other Guards shield. knowing he can only lie, he'll tell you no. Easy really. 

Like I know theres a more complicated answer, but this is just so obvious. Just ask the person and question like 'Am i human' and they have to lie so boom you got your answer.

"No" the red Guard answers, you smile "Don't know why you didn't think of that." You tease Sarah while walking to the second door. "Oh shush!" She walks to you. "but really this is a piece of cake-" she gets cut off. You both fall through the floor and scream.

You feel hands grip onto your body to keep you from falling. "eww yuck stop it!" you hear Sarah yell. This was pretty gross. "HELP!" You scream hoping someone would save you both. "what do you mean help?"a hand formed face asks. A second set of hands form into a face "We are helping".

"we're helping hands" a third pair of hands says. "You're hurting!" Sarah yells. You grunt as their grip tightens. "Would you like us to let go?" a deep voice asks. The hands all let go for a few seconds. "NO, PLEASE!" You and Sarah scream terrified. 

They grab you again. "Well then, come one, which way?" A pair of hands ask. "Which way?" you look at the hands tho see which ons said that, but you can't find him, there were just too many hands. "Up or down?" he asks and you glance up at Sarah. 

"Come come now!" a set of hands orders you. "We haven't got all day" another set adds. "Sarah you decide." You say staring up at her. She nods her head, agreeing. "where is you big decision for?" they start asking Sarah instead of you. "which way do you want to go?" a set of hand asks you "Yes which way?". "I don't know" You answer softly feeling embarrassed. 

"Well since we're pointed that way, I guess we'll go down." She finally answers. "She chose down" a deep voice mocks Sarah. "She chose down?" A more high pitched voice asks amused. a few start laughing, confusing you and Sarah.

"was that wrong?" You ask feeling their grip on your body loosening. "Too late now" with that both of you are dropped into a stage dark room.


Jareth looks into his crystal and see's both you and Sarah are now trapped in the oubliette. "She's in the oubliette." he mumbles more to himself and frowns. The goblins over hear and start laughing. "Shut up!" He shouts, the room fills with silence. "She should have given up by now." He says. "She'll never give up." a goblin says. 

"Will she? The dwarfs about to lead them back to the beginning. She'll soon give up once she realizes she has to start all over again." Jareth laughs.

the Goblins stay silent not sure if they should laugh or not. "well.. laugh" Jareth orders annoyed. The goblins burst out laughing. Jareth laughs and throws the crystal ball into the air.


You groan in pain, Sarah has fallen on top of you and your back hurt like a bitch. "Sarah you're gonna kill me." You say pushing her off of you. "Hey i'm not that heavy." She say's offended. " I know, but falling onto the rock hard floor with someone on top of you has quite the negative impact. You say pushing yourself up.

"I just don't understand.. the guard is the liar.." Sarah say's to herself a bit puzzled. You think for a moment, then you realize. "We never asked him which door leads to where." You conclude and laugh to yourself. "How funny" 

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