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From the earliest moments of my childhood, I was steeped in the relentless pursuit of perfection. It wasn't merely a desire harbored by my immediate family, but rather an expectation that resonated throughout our extended relatives. The weight of this expectation, to be flawless in every endeavor, rested heavily upon my shoulders since infancy.

Amongst my siblings, I was surrounded by exemplars of achievement. Elethea, whose name embodied truth, epitomized diligence and excellence. Her accolades in academics and music were celebrated by our relatives, casting her as the paragon of success within our family circle. Then there was Vaani, whose name evoked vitality and energy, reflected in the sparkle of her emerald eyes. She possessed a magnetic charm that drew people towards her, infusing every room she entered with joy and exuberance.

In the shadow of my accomplished sisters, I, Gaayatri, named after the mother of gods, struggled to find my place. While I never grew to despise my name, I couldn't help but feel the weight of expectation that it carried, a reminder of the lofty standards set by my family.

As my sisters flourished and found their niches in the world, I embarked on a journey to discover my own passions and talents. By the tender age of three, I was already reciting poems fluently in both English and our native tongue. Piano lessons commenced at five, and by eight, I was honing my skills on the volleyball court. By twelve, I had secured a spot on the school team and even landed a coveted solo performance in a musical, showcasing my proficiency on the piano.

From a distance, our family appeared picture-perfect, the epitome of domestic bliss with three impeccably accomplished daughters and doting parents. Yet, beneath the veneer of perfection lay a profound sense of loneliness. Despite the lavish gifts and attention lavished upon me, I yearned for the genuine connection with my parents, who always seemed preoccupied with the demands of providing for our family.

Even in the presence of my grandmother, a constant source of solace, I grappled with a pervasive sense of isolation. While my sisters charted clear paths towards their aspirations, I remained adrift, uncertain of where my own journey might lead.

As the years unfolded, Elethea's resolve to pursue a career in science crystallized during her formative years in middle school. Following high school, she ventured to Germany to pursue her studies, leaving behind a legacy of achievement that only served to magnify the uncertainty surrounding my own future.

Vaani's self-awareness transcended the bounds of mere exuberance; she possessed a depth that belied her effervescent exterior. Harnessing her formidable communication skills, she gravitated towards the realm of politics and diplomacy, where her ability to navigate complex interactions became her hallmark.

Conversely, my affinity for art blossomed from a tender age. The allure of paintings, sculptures, and writings captivated me, each piece a testament to the hidden narratives waiting to be unearthed. Yet, despite my profound connection to the arts, I hesitated to acknowledge my passion openly, let alone envision myself as a participant within its realms.

However, amidst uncertainty, courage found me when I needed it most.

The night was somber, etched with the weight of impending loss. At a mere fourteen years old, I found myself standing on the precipice of grief as my grandmother lay gravely ill, her frail form tethered to the confines of her deathbed. Despite my entreaties, my mother, consumed by her own anguish, shielded me from the stark reality of my grandmother's decline.

"I know Grandma is sick, Ma. Can I please see her for a moment?" My plea hung in the air, an unexpected assertion of maturity that caught my mother off guard, laying bare the irreversible passage of time.

Led into my grandmother's room, trepidation coursed through me, mingling with the sorrow that enveloped the space. The transformation before me was stark and disorienting; where once stood a beacon of vitality, now lay a shadow of her former self. Her eyes, once bright with laughter, now mirrored the depths of her suffering.

Seated by her bedside, I sought solace in conversation, recounting mundane anecdotes from school and the affectionate whispers of friends who held her in esteem. In that fleeting moment, amidst the throes of her illness, we shared a connection that transcended words, a silent acknowledgment of love that defied the confines of mortality.

As the week wore on, my grandmother slipped away, her passing marked by a bittersweet amalgamation of sorrow and relief. Her departure left an indelible void, yet tempered by the knowledge that her pain had found its end.

In the quiet hours of the night following her passing, a spectral vision of my grandmother beckoned me forth, her presence a balm to my grieving heart. Nestled beside her on the familiar contours of her couch, I found solace in the whispered assurances of her enduring presence, a testament to the enduring bond that transcends the boundaries of life and death.


At the tender age of fifteen, the realization of my extraordinary nature dawned upon me, catalyzed by the insights of my closest confidante, Elle. In the tapestry of our friendship, she wove threads of mysticism, unveiling the legacy of her grandmother's supernatural lineage. To Elle, the specter of her grandmother's otherworldly abilities loomed large, a testament to her familial inheritance. Yet, despite my whispered assertions of her impending ascension, she remained skeptical, relegating the notion of her own witchcraft to the realm of fantasy.

As the sands of time sifted through the hourglass, the intricacies of magic unfurled before me, each incantation a whispered secret shared between kindred spirits. In Elle's company, the boundaries of reality blurred, dissolving into the ether of arcane knowledge. With each passing day, my familial bonds receded into the background, eclipsed by the allure of forbidden wisdom and clandestine rituals.

The onset of university heralded a new chapter, punctuated by the weight of clandestine truths and unspoken oaths. In the hallowed halls of academia, Elle and I forged alliances with kindred souls, beckoned by the siren song of destiny or happenstance. Ariel, a luminous presence in our midst, emerged as a stalwart guardian, her powers an enigmatic shield against the encroaching darkness.


Author's Note

Welcome to a new age, where you will experience a new direction of our history. A story which will captivate your attention into it storyline. Capturing the essence of what life is, of how little time we have and how do we spend it.

With greatest truth ImaginaryG

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