Chapter 5

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Max was sitting at the airport in Nice, he had talked with his mom and sister and they made sure his dad and he wouldn't be there at the same time. His mind kept going back to last night. He had an amazing time with Lewis and he hoped Lewis was thinking the same. He had to wait a bit before his jet was ready so he opened his phone. He still had an open text message with Daniel. He was glad to hear his friend was still negative and was probably able to see his family soon.


Max was holding his nephew in his arms and was completely in aw. He was happy to be with his mom and sister. They were sitting in the living room and Max wasn't able to look away from the little bundle of joy in his arms.

"I'm proud of you, Max," the sudden voice made him lookup. His mom was sitting in front of him on a chair. She had a proud smile on her face. He whispered a small thank you back. He wasn't good at receiving compliments. He looked over to his sister who seemed to agree with their mom. "Did any of the drivers say anything to you?" Victoria picked up her son from Max in his arms since it was close to his nap time. "I spoke to Daniel and Lando and had a small chat with Sebastian and Lewis," Max told his mom and sister. He looked in the room and realized Victoria her boyfriend had left with Luca. Probably to give them some more privacy.

"What did they say?" His mom asked him. She had a protective face, one that reminded Max of a mother lion protecting her pup. Max was things about what he was going to say. He was definitely not going to talk about Lewis and his date last night. He would give his mom and sister a heart attack. "They told me that they support me and it wasn't going to change anything," Max told them proudly. Cause that was what he was right now proud of his sexuality he knew by all the hate he got on his social media people didn't want a gay driver but he had gotten a lot of private messages from younger drivers and that had made him think. Especially last night after his date.

"What about that blond dude from the photos?" Victoria looked over to her brother. She wiggles her eyebrows while asking the question. Max let out a deep groan from annoyance he had expected a question like this from his sister. "That was just a one-time thing besides he works for the enemy," he heard his mom gasp while Victoria started to laugh. He looked over to his mom who didn't seem to like the conversation anymore. "I'm going to the kitchen do you two want anything?" She looked at both of her children. They both said no while Victoria was still laughing.

"For which one of the teams does he work? Please tell me he doesn't work for Mercedes'? Victoria looked over to Max. They were both seated on the couch close to each other as they did as kids when they were gossiping about their family or teachers. Max bit his bottom lip before answering. "Yeah he is Lewis his personal trainer,". Max let out a sigh while he heard Victoria gasp. "No way," she started to laugh as well. "Stuff like this can only happen to you."

She continued talking before Max could say something. "So there is nothing going on between the two of you?" She looked curious and Max didn't blame her. The photos were all over the internet but hadn't told someone he was seeing anyone. "No, it really was just a one-time thing. I'm not looking for something serious right now," expect if Lewis wanted something serious but he didn't tell his sister that. Victoria nodded her head, "You do deserve someone, you know that right?" He hadn't seen Victoria looking this serious in a while. "I know," but he still didn't completely believe it. His dad had told him enough times that gay people didn't deserve anything and just coming to terms with his own sexuality took him years. He was extremely lucky with the support he got from his mom and sister but he still struggled and the online comments weren't always helping him.


Christmas was coming up. Normally he would spend it with his mom and sister and the next day with his dad and his family however he had received a text from his dad that he wasn't welcome to spend Christmas with his family. Max didn't want to say it aloud but it had hurt him more than he would have liked. Max was still with his mom back in Belgium his sister was going to travel to them for Christmas. Max couldn't wait to be back in Monaco. He didn't feel comfortable walking in the streets in the Netherlands or Belgium, he was used to nobody asking him anything and be able to walk without interruption. It definitely didn't have something to do with Lewis asking him when they could meet again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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