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Giorno Giovanna was a little lad when he first discovered the joy of peanut butter. Any brand, except

 Any brand, except

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The crunchy kind was alright but so was the smooth one! It always made him so, so jolly.

At first he enjoyed this godly spread a little bit at a time eating it in sandwiches, in mac and cheese, ect. A bottle would usually last around a week. But SOON HE BEGAN TO EAT A

BOTTLE A DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This deeply concerned his vampy dad, DIO. One time he came home from a long day of work at State Farm to find his son devouring a bottle with other empty bottles surrounding him. He was devastated because after work all he wanted was to eat 3 warm, gooey, peanut butter on wonder bread sandwiches and yet he couldn't. He would have cried for hours if it wasn't for the sound of giorno choking hard on the chunks of his peanut butter.

This strange habit continued into his teen years causing his poor father severe debt.

Alas he never slowed down and one day it took a turn for the worse

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Alas he never slowed down and one day it took a turn for the worse.

One evening in March, Giornio was dipping his fried chicken wing in the last remains of that days peanut butter bottle when he had a strange feeling. Gassy? This was new. PEanut butter had never made giornio feel anything other than pure happiness. OH well he thought in his mind. This must be some weird thing that I will never feel again. He was, in fact, wrong.

Alas as the days went by he continued to worsen.

Wednesday on the way to school is when it happened. Giorno was strolling down the road on his way to school (eating peanut butter straight out of the bottle of course) when he felt strange. Dizzy and scared he began running and collided with a poll. *SNAP* uh oh. That was the last thing he heard before he passed out.

When he awoke he was in a hospital bed. His father strolled into the room and informed him that he had quite the peanut allergy and ran into a poll like an idiot because of it and broke his collar bone.

"PEENUT ALLERGY?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!?!?!?!????>?!!!???"

Oh my this can not be.

Giornio quite sadley began weeping in despair. Soon it turned into a full on ball.

Dio sauntered over to his distressed son. He gave him a pat on the back and held something out. Gtiornio reached out to inspect the strange gift, eyes still blurry from the salt filled tears. It was...


Now this was quite the surprise

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Now this was quite the surprise.

HIs father then handed him a spoon. He gratefully took it and had a taste. It wasn't to bad. He guessed it would just have to do.

*six months later...

Giorno is now out of the hospital, collar bone mostley healed.

Now his days were spent drowning in sun butter, trying not to think about how much better peanut butter was than this other, much less superior spread.

To make up for the fact that sunbuter was a sad disgrace he had to eat much, much more of it. This caused his father great stress for sunbutter was not cheap and even working overtime at his sad little job didn't help much.

 This caused his father great stress for sunbutter was not cheap and even working overtime at his sad little job didn't help much

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But his son just wouldn't stop eating sunbuter. At times he wouldn't eat anything else.

The whole fam was suffering quite a lot.

And that was the tale of GIOGIO PEANUT BUTTER. Quite the sad tale but interesting non the less.


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