🍰Monkey D. Luffy!🍰

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"..Monkey D. Luffy!"

You sweatdropped at Doflamingo yelled, lightly covering your ears.

He looked down at you, apologizing with a small giggle.

"Fufufu~ Have fun~!" He picked you up, and set you in the closet with ease, his hand patting your back as luffy bounced inside, looking up at you.


The door slammed shut, making you jump.

"You have any food on you?" He asked, grinning as his arms wrapped around your waist.

You placed your hand on his head, smiling softly. "Yeah. I've got some goods." You giggled.

He gasped as he watched you place your hand Into your checker-bleached, bell-bottoms.

The pockets stretched on for forever it seemed, going almost elbow deep.

You liked these pants. Whole ass waterbottles fit in here.

You pulled out a piece of candy, and flicked it over to him.

He caught it, and began to nibble on it.

You sat down at one end of the walk-in closet, luffy sat in your lap afterwards.

You couldn't help but smile, hands running through his hair as he ate the caramel candy you gave him.

"This is really good, Y/n! What is it?" He asked.

"Well, it's a candy called Caramel, it butter and sugar melted in a pot, then molded into little bars. Of course- add all the processed things, and there, it's even worse for you." You chuckled.

This information made luffy soar. "Really?! Can I have more?"

"Yeah--" You were going to say, but got cut off with a rough kiss to the lip.

Your eyes closed as your hands lifted to cup his cheeks, giggling against the kiss.

Luffy pulled away, grinning, "You're so sweet Y/n!" He laughed, and wrapped his arms around you millions of times.

"Can- I do that again?" He asked, looking at you happily.

"Yeah, sure!" You laughed, and let his lips press against yours.

The two of you shared a nice, loving kiss as he straddled you, his arms wrapped around every spot you could see.

You liked it, it felt like a hug, but ten times better.

The door opened.

"Wh- where-?" Doflamingo looked over at you, "Oh~ Fufufu~ having fun i see?" He chuckled, and stepped into the closet.

"Off of Y/n." Doflamingo said, pulling you off of the male.

Luffy whined, and reached up for you.

"Doffy- give me back." You huffed, bro it was warm there.

You got plopped down, Doflamingo giving you a glare as he pouted.

"Oh, come on, you have many women who want you. I'm just not one of them." You said with a small smile.

He huffed, and crossed his arms, "why though?"

"You're a whore." You sweatdropped.

He cackled, "I always love your honesty." He said, and pulled you in for a hug, face against his ribs. 6'5, gotta love being 6'5.

[You know me, im one for making the reader be tall af, im being generous here]

You hugged back, "ill still come over weekends." You said, muffled.

He silently fist-bumped the air, fixing his shades.

"Alright, Fufufufu~ we'll still have movie nights." He said, as a matter of fact, your movie nights with doffy were fucking awesome.

Even though you despised him sometimes.

Luffy tugged on your arm, you looked back.

"Okay, well, I'll see you whenever my card gets pulled." You said softly, and picked luffy up.

He hugged you, glaring at Doffy.

"Yeah, I'll see you." He said, grinning.

You walked away with luffy in your arms.

He stuck his tounge out at Doflamingo, who glared and flipped him off.

This was all unknown- due to your staring contest with Kidd. He wasn't letting up.

You and luffy sat down- and you still kept staring at Kidd.

He blinked.

"HAHAHAHA WEAK ASS, I WIN!" You cackled, kicking your feet in the air.

Kidd made an annoyed groan, and looked at killer.

"You look high, dude." Killer said to Kidd, who snorted.

You turned to luffy, who smashed his lips against yours in a fit of happiness.

You chuckled, placing your hand on the back of his head.

Kid looked over in shock, then grinned, "so you two are really getting down to business then, eh?" He asked, looking at the two of you with a smug expression.

"Yeah!" Luffy exclaimed, "She's my- what do you call it?" He tried recalling, looking at you for the information.

"Girlfriend, luffy." You chuckled. "I'd love to be."

Kid deadpanned, "how smooth."

"I know right, he swept me off my feet." You laughed, and hugged luffy close.

He laughed, and pressed his face against your chest happily.


Let's just say that you went home together that night.

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