Say Hi To God

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After a moment of hesitance, Bill falls to the ground. "Was that good for you? 'Cause it kinda sucked for me." Dipper runs over and kneels beside Bill.

"Bill? Just listen to me, just listen to me, okay? Just listen to me, it's over, okay? Which wire do I pull? Bill, which wire do I pull?!"

He doesn't answer and Dipper leaves him lying there and runs to the bomb, struggling to pick it up. Now carrying it outside to the middle of the football field.

"Dear Diary: the irony of this is that I never got to write my own suicide note."  A spotlight shines on Bill, who has gotten up and is struggling from the bullet wound.

"Smart boy. Bring the trigger bomb out here to the football field and nobody dies. Except you, if you keep holding onto that thing." He limps towards Dipper, who backs away from him.

"I don't deserve to live." Dipper mumbles, "I respectfully... disagree. Give it to me." Bill reaches out to him. "Stay away from me."

Bill and Dipper both fall to the ground, the latter still cradling the bomb. "I've become my dad, wanting to destroy things.. but I won't let you become my mom."

"I am damaged,
Far too damaged,
But you're not beyond repair.
Stick around here,
Make things better,
'Cause you beat me fair and square."

Bill takes the bomb from Dipper. He stands and backs away.

"Please stand back now."

Dipper stands up shakily, taking a small step back.

"Little further.
Don't know what this thing will do."

Dipper backs toward the exit.

"Hope you miss me.
Wish you'd kiss me.
Then you'd know I worship you.
I'll trade my life for yours..."

"Oh my God..." Dipper holds up a hand to his mouth in horror as tears stream down his cheeks.

"And once I disappear..."

"Wait, hold on!" He reaches out to him.

"Clean up the mess down here."

"Not this way!"

"Our love is God,
Our love is God,
Our love is God,
Our love is God..."

Dipper walks up and kisses him, "Say hi to God."

The bomb goes off.

There is an explosion and a blackout.

The lights come back on to show confused the students murmuring to one another as smoke fills the room.

Dipper enters with his face blackened, his hair frizzled, and his jacket singed. Candy and Mable rush up to him.

"Where have you been? People were saying you killed yourself!" Mable looks as him worriedly while Candy judges him. "You look like hell."

"I just got back." Dipper  removes Candy's red scrunchie and throws it to the ground before stepping on it. "Hey! What are you doing?" Dipper sighs.

"Listen up folks,
War is over.
Brand new sheriff's come to town.
We are done with acting evil,
We will lay our weapons down.
We're all damaged, we're all frightened.
We're all freaks- but that's alright.
We'll endure it, we'll survive it.
Grenda, are you free tonight?"

Grenda enters in a wheelchair. "What? "

"Uh, my date for the pep rally kind of blew-... me off." He winces at the memory. Literally.

"So, I was wondering, if you weren't doing anything tonight, maybe we could pop some Jiffy Pop and rent a video? You know, something with a happy ending."

"Are there any happy endings?" She whispers, as he sighs once more.

"I can't promise no more bullies,
High school may not ever end.
Still, I miss you, I'd be honored,
If you'd let me be your friend."

"My friend..." Grenda smiles softly at him, grabbing his hand to hold it.

Grenda, Dipper: "We can be seventeen.
We can learn how to chill.
If no one loves me now,
Someday somebody will.
We can be seventeen,
Still time to make things right.
One day we'll change the world..."

Grenda, Dipper, and Mable join hands.

Grenda, Dipper and, Students: "...But let's kick back tonight.
Let's go be seventeen!
Take off our clothes and dance.
Act like we're all still kids,
'Cause this could be our final chance!"

Pacifica, Teeth, and Keyhole enter from above.

All: "Always be seventeen,
Celebrate you and I,
Maybe we won't grow old,
And maybe then we'll never die!
We'll make it beautiful.
We'll make it beautiful."


Bill enters, him and Dipper share a look. Smiling at each other as they finally have their happy ever after.


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