the story of.. being alone at night (fiction)

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Lady in white/LW


story starts with Gabe, Vanessa and Allison on a Snapchat call... *yea guys* *haha* *bruh shut up*
Allison: Guys..
Allison: did you guys hear that at all?
Gabe:I didn't hear anything but you laughing.
Vanessa:Yeah but wdym?
Allison:I swear I heard a big sound downstairs in my basement..
Gabe:probably ur dad or something fell idk
Vanessa: I would believe that-
Allison: no but really guys, I swear it didn't sound normal..
Vanessa: Alright I'm sorry but I'ma have to go eat brb later
Gabe&Allison:Oh alr cya
Gabe:yeah I'ma go eat to..
Allison:Bruh whatever..

Allison's POV: Hm.. *hears another big noise* what the hell is going down in there like bruh shut up... Know what I'ma go to sleep 💤 *Allison falls asleep* zzzz~~  *Allison wakes up because she hears a big boom again.. "shut the hell up-* Allison gets a glimpse out of her eye and See's a tall woman with a surgical gown and long hair with what looks like no face. ALLISON SCREAMS TERRIFIED... Allison looks again and she's not there.. " phew" by the second Allison has no idea that the same lady that she saw was real and that n lady died in 1977 from hanging herself down stairs by a long white rope that is suspiciously still there hanging from the Ceiling... That same lady was gona for 2 days and scared Allison again and came back for 2 days and left until . 2 of Allison's friends named. Vanessa and gave decide to have a sleepover because Allison was scared of the lady in white..

To be continued... ⛸️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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