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One afternoon you went to Rengoku's room to report how much demons you killed, because master was asleep. You blush. He sees you blush. "What's wrong!" He says in a caring voice while smiling. "Nothing!... Nothing is wrong." You say in nervousness. He looks at you up and down. You remembered you were wearing a uniform like mitsuri's. He does a little smirk then looks at his food. You get little warm shivers down your back to your legs.

"Well good job today!" He says randomly after the mini silence. "Thanks!" You say in response. He looks at you right when you were about to step out "Wait...." He says in a weary voice. You stop walking, and turn back towards him. "Yes Rengoku-san?" You say nervously. He walks up to you and grabs your hand. "Stay.... please I have some tricks to show you." He smirks. You look up at him blushing. He takes you over to his bed. He lays you down. "My flame...you have no idea how long I have wanted to do this." He mutters. He goes to the door and closes it. Then he goes back to you. "Rengoku-san what tricks are you going to show me? And what have you waited for?" You say quick.

He gets on top of you, and moves the cloth covering your titties. He looks at them and starts to nibble on them. You are whimpering, and moaning softly. He soon licks your chest to your neck. You quaver and shake a little. He sits up and takes off his shirt. "Take off your shirt my flame." You take of your shirt and ask, "Rengoku-san why are we doing this? Isn't is against the rules!" You say in a normal pitched voice. He takes off your skirt and looks at you up and down. "Don't worry daddy's gonna make you scream."

(I'm doing this at 1:38 am bro.)

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