Chapter 1

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Once upon a time, there was a cheerful little girl named Ara, Ara Honor when she plays with her relatives she was the playful one of them all.  But as she grew older her personality changes, others see it as a sign of maturing kid, but her parents know that their child has a problem.  One day, at the age of 13,  it was christmas and Ara and her family travelled to their relatives to celebrate, and when they arrived she has been quiet all the time and never played with her cousins.  After the event, when they got home, her mom asked her "Sweetie, is there a problem?" but she did not responded and just ran inside the house, when her parents also cam inside they saw that Ara was just playing by herself and said "Mama, Papa come on, play with me *giggles*." And her parents thought it was just nothing,  but when they celebrate other events with their relatives, she's always so quiet but in their home, she was so playful, and there is where they noticed that their daughter has a problem.   At the age of 17, her parents noticed that, she rarely spend some time with her family, does not socialize, spend more time with her phone and other hobbies, is short tempered and she does not speak to them for 5 years now even if they talk to her. So her parents decided to take her to a Psychiatrist. 

The next morning her parents brought her to a Psychiatrist.  When they arrived, they immediately called Ara's parents "Mr. and Mrs. Honor?" her mom replied "Yes, that's us" "Please come inside, and let your kid stay outside for a while."  Her parents came inside the room and talked to each other "So Mr. and Mrs. Honor, what seems to be the problem with your daughter?" Ara's parents told the doctor what they noticed to Ara.  And after a few minutes, the Psychiatrist called Ara inside.  "Hello, Ara my name is Doctor Gabe, do you have anything to tell us? do you want to share something? problems or anything?" Ara did not talk but responded by nodding her head.  Doctor Gabe replied "Oh, good would like tell us what it is?"  She shook her head side wards, and glanced at her parents looking afraid.  "Oh I see, Mr. and Mrs. Honor, I think your daughter and I need to talk in private." Mrs. Honor replied "What why? I believe my daughter is comfortable here with us at her side." Mr. Honor added.  "I'm sorry but you really have to go outside." Doctor Gabe responded.  The parents has no choice but to go outside.  "So, Ara, would you tell me now what the problem is?."

The two of them for almost two hours.  "What's taking so long?" Mr. Honor said, he stood up and was about to knock at the door, but suddenly Doctor Gabe opened the door and said "Mr. and Mrs. Honor please come in and have a seat." The three of them including Doctor Gabe, sat down "So your daughter does not have any major mental illness, for now she just needs to socialize and have true friends with her, don't force your daughter to have friends just let her socialize.  Oh and Ara, please go outside for the moment I just need to talk to your parents for a second, okay?" "Okay, Doc." Ara replied nonchalantly.  Both her parents was shocked and speechless to hear their daughters speak again, because it has been years since they last hear their daughter's voice. "Mr. and Mrs. Honor, we need to talk.  One of the reasons why your daughter, Ara, became like that is because of the two of you, because of what you are acting, your attitudes.  Your daughter confessed everything  to me." Doctor Gabe said.  Mrs Honor replied angrily "How come is it our fault? we gave her all she wants, we would give her the things that she said that she wants even if it is not important." "I think that answers your question, and that goes for the both of you."  The Docotor replied.  After a few minutes Ara and her parents went straight home, without saying a word.  

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